Anyone know about computers??


May 24, 2001
I occasionally get a blue screen and and error message saying ....

Filename VXDLDR(05)+00000EF9 ERROR :0E:0028:C026A8A1

Any ideas...

It gives me the option to press any key to return to windows or restart but if I return to windows I repeatedly get the same message so I always have to restart :confused:

Dont know much details on the PC I got it from a board member here but thats another story its been sort of ok for as long as I have had it
I dont have a clue but i think they call that the blue screen of death? Do you have windows XP? I would turn back the date to a pont before the blue screen. Do you have spy ware? Or virus protection? If not get it and install it. It helped me.
I have both MCAFEE and the AOL spyware protection and I run them on a weekly basis . The computer is running Windows ME
sounds to me like some type of hardware malfunction, open your PC and then start it, see if any of the fans inside stopped working, and go from there..