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Attention Texas Bloomberg wants your guns


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As one of the few Democrats you nuts haven't scared off yet, I can assure you Bloomberg has about as much chance at the nomination as I would have getting through a Trump rally without being kicked out.

So cool your jets. Bloomberg is just providing stimulus to the TV industry. You need to worry about Bernie and Mayor Pete. And they're more concerned with healthcare and economics than guns.
What’s makes you think I would w
Ok, I'll admit it, I'll never be a real man like you. Who slapped anybody in the face? What happened, you get upon the wrong side of the cage this morning and need someone to take it out on? Someone doesn't agree and states a different opinion and you go ballistic. You can vote for whoever you want like anyone else. But than again, I'm just running my mouth.
OMG, you just don’t get it. Folks don’t don’t talk shit to people who have served there county. This has Nothing to do with being a man, good god what’s wrong with you. This doesn’t have anything with agree or dis agree with being a R Or a D. I’m just saying I would like guns away from people who are crazy, you have a problem with that? How to do that, god only knows. I know first hand what it means to kill someone, you DONT. So you cannot talk about that intelligently How to go about this. I’m done. Out

Like I shared with my buddy who is a police officer:
You may do all the right things, and not even detained after killing someone who breaks into your house, but I believe the psychological effects are a serious aftermath. If killing soneone didn't bother you, you shouldn't carry or own ANY gun.

Sure, knives, hammers, crowbars, trucks, chopsticks can kill someone as well, which is partially what complicates the debate.

Most of us will never come close to understanding the sacrifices made by guys like Ray, and when these guys speak, I listen.

Please, don't take any of this the wrong way because I am in no way suggesting you guys are not listening.
In case you guys haven't seen the movie "Thank you for your service", watch it.

Like I shared with my buddy who is a police officer:
You may do all the right things, and not even detained after killing someone who breaks into your house, but I believe the psychological effects are a serious aftermath. If killing soneone didn't bother you, you shouldn't carry or own ANY gun.

Sure, knives, hammers, crowbars, trucks, chopsticks can kill someone as well, which is partially what complicates the debate.

Most of us will never come close to understanding the sacrifices made by guys like Ray, and when these guys speak, I listen.

Please, don't take any of this the wrong way because I am in no way suggesting you guys are not listening.
Jerry, long time no speak. Thank you for the words, as I know they are heart spoke. you have always been well spoken, always wish I had your words.
Jerry, long time no speak. Thank you for the words, as I know they are heart spoke. you have always been well spoken, always wish I had your words.
Ray, so happy when I read you were up and posting again! Hope to buy you a few beers one day!
There is a Mental Health issue that needs to be addressed.

Placing the blame on inanimate objects, is part of that Mental Health problem.
Same to you , ever kill someone. If not, you are talking out your ass. Nothing personal. But I hear so many bad ass people on this site that have NO idea what it means to kill someone. Me I was trying to save myself , but will never get over it
If it’s a life or death situation then yes I will do what I have to do to protect me and my family
There is a Mental Health issue that needs to be addressed.

Placing the blame on inanimate objects, is part of that Mental Health problem.

The thing with the mental health issue is "who" decides what that is. For sure someone that doesn't agree with tptb. As long as a person is an honest law abiding citizen what's the problem. You are so right about the inanimate object being made the culprit.
This isn’t about killing anyone. It’s about losing your god given rights of the 2nd amendment.
AND by the way god didn’t give us 2nd amendment rights to have guns, our 63% agnostic congressional Congress did back in the day. Or maybe you don’t know what agnostic means.
AND by the way god didn’t give us 2nd amendment rights to have guns, our 63% agnostic congressional Congress did back in the day. Or maybe you don’t know what agnostic means.
Maybe if you had a little faith in life things would be a little better
Maybe if you had a little faith in life things would be a little better
Maybe, you would have to be where I’ve been. I was one of those people that came back back from from NAM and got talked shit too, baby killers, and all kinds of vile shit. I only did what MY country ask me to do , for what ? Here it is 46 years later and I’m still dealing with this shit. Got shot five times and was given some bullshit metals. For what .? People today laugh at me, laugh who would believe this. Today it’s a joke for what we did. I have a Brother and two cousins that have NEVER been found over there. BUT I’m suppose to have faith in life. LOL. All you young guns really don’t know what your saying, for gods sake please think about this, this right to have guns is a gift, but don’t think for one minute some dick head will take your wife, kids. Mother out of this world because of that right. Please think of how to make our world better. My time is almost up. Really it’s up to you young guns.
Maybe, you would have to be where I’ve been. I was one of those people that came back back from from NAM and got talked shit too, baby killers, and all kinds of vile shit. I only did what MY country ask me to do , for what ? Here it is 46 years later and I’m still dealing with this shit. Got shot five times and was given some bullshit metals. For what .? People today laugh at me, laugh who would believe this. Today it’s a joke for what we did. I have a Brother and two cousins that have NEVER been found over there. BUT I’m suppose to have faith in life. LOL. All you young guns really don’t know what your saying, for gods sake please think about this, this right to have guns is a gift, but don’t think for one minute some dick head will take your wife, kids. Mother out of this world because of that right. Please think of how to make our world better. My time is almost up. Really it’s up to you young guns.

It is NOT a joke & never was.

I suspect you believed in serving your Country & still do.
Maybe, you would have to be where I’ve been. I was one of those people that came back back from from NAM and got talked shit too, baby killers, and all kinds of vile shit. I only did what MY country ask me to do , for what ? Here it is 46 years later and I’m still dealing with this shit. Got shot five times and was given some bullshit metals. For what .? People today laugh at me, laugh who would believe this. Today it’s a joke for what we did. I have a Brother and two cousins that have NEVER been found over there. BUT I’m suppose to have faith in life. LOL. All you young guns really don’t know what your saying, for gods sake please think about this, this right to have guns is a gift, but don’t think for one minute some dick head will take your wife, kids. Mother out of this world because of that right. Please think of how to make our world better. My time is almost up. Really it’s up to you young guns.
I totally understand what you’re saying and I thank you for your service. War is no joke. It’s a different generation today and I don’t fall in that category
Maybe if you had a little faith in life things would be a little better

We all get angry with GOD at times but He is big enough to take it. And remember, there's no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole.
1952, all I did was try to post a differing opinion on the subject and it was "not" a personal attack which is the way you seem to have taken it. I can tell in your last post that you still have a lot of anger and maybe even hate. 46 years is a very long time to carry that around and that stuff eats you up inside. Ask the Heavenly Father to help you with it, He's always there and will always listen to one of his children. Give it a try, it really does work.
We all get angry with GOD at times but He is big enough to take it. And remember, there's no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole.
1952, all I did was try to post a differing opinion on the subject and it was "not" a personal attack which is the way you seem to have taken it. I can tell in your last post that you still have a lot of anger and maybe even hate. 46 years is a very long time to carry that around and that stuff eats you up inside. Ask the Heavenly Father to help you with it, He's always there and will always listen to one of his children. Give it a try, it really does work.
With all sincerity thank you for your words, as it does mean something. Thank you
SORRY, can't give up my firearms, that's for idiot's. I carry my Smith & Wesson 19 plus one as much as possible...It just makes the world safer. Look up the states that's against the law to protect yourself (No CCW's) has the highest crime rates. How many shootings has there been in Wal*Mart Stores alone in the last 12 months, and I shop there a lot.Now for you to tell me to go and shop there non packing....You must smoking that new stuff.