basic restoration questions


Senior Member
May 24, 2001
I think I am gonna do it. Finally. I have some money set aside, and I am gonna fix this car the right way.
What I need to do is this. The car needs a stronger frame, and a new drivers floor pan. The frame is really rusted out in the rear, and I would rather replace the whole thing than welding in new rails.
How do you actually seperate the body from the frame? I mean, I know there are bolts, but how would you lift the body off, and how could you support it off the ground to work on the underside?
What happens if a bolt snaps?
I plan on stripping the interior first, so it wont weigh an awful lot.
Ideally, I would like to seperate the body, roll out the old frame, prep the underside of the body, and roll the new frame under it.
So, without buying a rotisserie, how would you go about this?

Unfortunately, I have only a 1 car garage at my disposal. However, I do have a second 1 car at my dads house to prep the frame and store parts.

What am I getting myself into?
As soon as I burn this last tank of gas I will be doing the same thing. I already have a new frame ready to go. I was planning first to pull the front clip then the drivetrain. Then proceed to remove all the body bolts. I am planning on using a couple of floor jacks and some freinds to lift the body off and place it on some saw horses. It will be difficult to clean and paint the underside of the vehicle by crawling under it but, it is the only way I can think of doing it. If you break any of the body bolts you can always try easy-outs or drill the bolt out and re-tap the hole.
Or drill it bigger and use heli-coils. I would recommend using POR-15 that stuff is the best!
I will be documenting my work as I go as well as taking digital photo's and putting up a site to help others that are going to undertake this project.

I hope this helps you some, and keep us posted on how you make out.
I just did this on my car this winter, i stripped the interior, motor and trans, removed all the bolts and cables and just jacked the body up using floor jacks and supporting the body using 4x4's.

I do have lots of pics, but no way to post them so if you want to see just e-mail me.

not really that hard to was said easier without eng an tranny...undo body bolts an lift up... takes time thats all..