Be Cool products


Black Sunshine
Aug 19, 2003
Hello I need a new raditor soon and I was wondering who sells the Be cool brand for the best price for my 87 GN?

Thanks for helping,
Originally posted by Polak420
Hello I need a new raditor soon and I was wondering who sells the Be cool brand for the best price for my 87 GN?

Two years ago when I was shopping for one, Jeg's had the best price.
Most of the Be Cool products I have seen are pretty expensive comparatively

We got a Summit 19 X 30 with no trans cooler for like $179. The customer had bought a Be Cool for nearly $600 that didn't do the job. The Summit radiator cools a performance built 502 with a 3500 converter in a Nova even in stop and go traffic, with only an 18" Flexalite flex fan. :cool:
Look on Ebay for one. I have seen a few .. and the prices were not too bad:) I LOVE mine. Id say its the *best* $600 I have spent on my GN. The car never gets over 175 in bumper to bumper summer traffic with the ac blasting:) trust me.. There is NO better rad in your GN.. + its the only alum rad with BOTH engine and trans coolers built in..
BeCooll rad...

I agree with's the best for our cars! I immediately saw a 20 degree drop just by changing to this rad! :eek:
Although I'm not sure about this, but I think that they're the only ones with a factory-style, built-in engine oil cooler and trans cooler and it fits right in there without any modifications...It's not cheap, but the best never is!...
Claude :D
I have the same problem with my radiator but don't have 600 to spend so I'm using a aluminum radiator from a '87 IROC Z-28 with seperate oil/tranny coolers and ramchargers dual fan set up. All together its costing 400 installed. Just a different way to go.
I don't have 600 dollars either, but it's getting that time of year where I don't drive it as much so I'll just save up. Hopefully my new Car payments for my 2002 Monte Carlo SS won't take too much budgeted money away from the GN fund. :eek:

Thanks for replying,
Ramchargers also has the be cool rad and they are a sponser of this board. I also dropped 20* after my be cool rad install.
I've got a be cool and there is some mods you have to do to get it to fit in a gn. It's the stock location one with oil and trans hook-up from ramchargers.
Having to lean the radiator in towards the engine because the 90 degree trans hookup hitting the condenser. This means moving the plate on top out and drilling new holes. The be cool radiator is thicker than the stock one.
Anything else I need to be aware of before installing one? Special fittings for the tranny cooler?

How long did the install take you?