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Been a long time needing some help


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May 25, 2001
About 8 months ago I first had trouble with the car, And three days later found out my father had colon cancer so the car got covered up and I have been helping out mom.sis and him before he passed away. Finally getting back to warm Florida i tried to start messing with the car again after charging the battery and putting fresh fuel in "i drained the tank before I left to go back home" what i have done so far was change fuel pump, new filter,plugs and wires i have even changed the pump relay and the iac was making a strange noise so that is new also,

Now what happens at this point is the car will crank and start then run maybe 8 to 12 seconds then shut off, i was thinking maybe cam senser but even with a friend starting the car and me unplugging the sensor it still dies i also tried to give it gas and it will fall on its face and die, the car doesn't pull any codes and as far as i can tell i am getting spark, I was thinking maybe the injectors have had it but seems a little extreme, but if anyone could give me a hint or three i would be greatful.Anyway thanks for any help in advance and nice to be back on here

Always Robert
Is fuel pressure still there after car starts? What type of FPR?Something didnt make a home in area fwd of MAF?What kind of pump did you install?
I know it sounds stupid, did you add more than 5 gallons of fuel to the tank?
Have your buddy turn the key on, and push the scrader valve to see if you get fuel with no bubbles in it.
hey sorry i should have said that too i tried two different regulators and same thing still, as far as checking if the psi is still there after the car dies off it sounds like the fuel is still going someplace but not dumping into a cylinder, its dark out now so i'll have to check in the morning other wise it wouldn't start and be locked up and i check to see if a mud dobber or something made a home and nothing anywhere right now i'm checking my email and looking back on some old posts for any help " man who would have though over 700 spam email and most are for russian brides "too bad i'm italian haha"

Thanks Robert
well i just checked it says 6 gallons and the fuel filter is new and facing the correct way i have to head out in a few to get some ice cream i'll grab a gas can and put in another 5 gallons and see in the morning

thanks everyone so far Robert
If the sensor is dead, then unplugging it would make no difference. Check your crank sensor to make sure its still tight.
Do you have a fuel pressure gauge? How many times did you start it? If you only did that a couple times, there could be air in the lines.
Mine will die if the MAF is unplugged.
What are your IAC counts? Did you install it correctly? The pintle needs to be pushed forward by jumping a couple pins on the ALDL (its on This pushes the pintle forward until it seats on the hole, and then if you follow that whole procedure, the computer will call that position "zero". If it was installed incorrectly, your engine could be starving for air. If you start it up, and around the time it wants to you give it more gas? If you give it gas and it still wants to die, then your gas lines are probably a little dry either from the fuel pump having issues or there is air in there...although when I pulled my intake, I didnt purge the lines and it fired up fine.

How about water in the fuel, or something?After sitting for 10 months or so,if you have an empty tank, all that moisture in the tank's air would condense and end up in the bottom of the tank. You need to check fuel pressure and hook up a scanner,also take a fuel sample.The more diagnostic information you have, the easier it will be. But it ran before parking it, right? Sorry about your Dad,hard way to go. Good luck!
Hey everyone thanks for the replies so far but sadly no help, i went ahead and drained the fuel out and dumped it into the 72 skylark and it ran like a champ i have tried the stock regulator and one to an 89 tta. the car now has a fresh 12 gallons in it. the thread you sent was pretty much my problem car starts up and stalls a second of two after. the chip is a red's 93 so no anti theft there. interesting thing was with the air in the lines when i was draining the tank fuel flowed out with no air bubbles or any funny sounds from the pump, fuel rail etc. but with the new fuel in and the valve back on the rail i can still hear the noise it was making before like there was air in the line or something and the fuel pump doesn't cycle and turn off if i leave the car in the on position the noise will still be there and i can still start the car so the fuel isn't just dumping into the motor. not sure if this helps or confuses people more but thanks so far oh and the iac is set the way gnttype says too that was a good thing to look for

While draining tank fom fuel rail with key on,how did the fuel exit pressure wise?Fuel gauge available?How long does pressure indicate on gauge after turning key off?
I had a simalar problem and I chased it down to a tiny bit of rust in the fuel return line right at the swedge between the hard line and rubber. I cut it off, ran a small engine brush thru the hard line. replaced rubber, double clamped it and it fired right back up.
Mart Urbanski
hey guys the fuel psi is good around 45 to 48 while draining the tank it was comming out just fine no hick ups or anything, there could be something stuck in there just don't see how but i'll check tomorrow when its light out. just odd that when its was draining without the valve in no odd noises but when i closed the system up it came back up you could hear it like fuel was going someplace i have a probe i can listen with and it wasn't commming from any of the injectors. i'm just lost right now and need to sleep on it

thanks for your help Robert
Sounds like you are on the right track, i wonder if the noise you are hearing is the fuel returning back to tank. Does the pitch of the fuel returning back to tank change noise up and down?

Lets back up a little, when you fire it up, does it idle normal then die... or does it idle real rough and then finally dies??

If the MAF is dead or dying, you could unplug the sensor and take the uppipe off and start the car, if it runs normal the MAF is bad.

When the car dies, does it die immediately, or does it act like its running out of gas and the rpms slowly die off till its dead?

Does it run for 8 seconds everytime and then dies?
Does it blow any smoke when its running for only 8 seconds?

I never thought of unplugging the MAF i thought it wouldn't start if it was. i can try that in the morning reallly quick. And the sound more than likely is fuel rushing back to the tank and its a steady sound no going up or down. As for starting up it sounds like its would if all would be well with the car but dies right after no fough idle or shakes from the motor and no smoke or back firiing starts the same everytime then dies the same time, just turns off...not sounding like its losing fuel or slowly dieing off, that made me check all loose grounds or connections but all is tight and secure, i do see an easy fix though as i was eying the 25 lb sledge and the plasma cutter in the back of the garage hehe :biggrin: i'm only kidding though it will get solved one way or another

Night everyone Robert
no start.

I know, it's a start and die, which is kind of weird, but anyway..The sound you hear is most likely fuel running back to the tank.That's a good sound, because it says you have lots of fuel pressure and volume. As far as the MAP is concerned,in my experience the failure causes a hiccup and immediate checkengine light as the ecm switches over to failure effects mode.I guess it could also cause a stall, so disconnecting it would remove that possibility.
Another thing that can cause your problem would be wiring. You might have a buddy jiggle the harness when you fire it up. I know, it's not likely, but as you eliminate other possibilities, it may be relevant.Crank sensor doesn't seem likely.Cam sensor is possible, if you had dribbly injectors to supply some fuel. What else is there? I think a scanner is an important tool, so it would be a good idea to use one. Good luck with things!
the latest

well i had an extra maf laying around so i took a chance and switched them out i am ready to kick myself. the car starts and runs and i can keep it running for a while just seems like someting isn't right stills isn't right, i remember when i replaced the coil pack i could pull off one plug wire and the car would still fun but now if i do the car dies fuel pressure is great and i can actually take the car around the block but the power isn't there, i'll go back out in a little bit after i have some luch and check the mail

83ttype, Are you talking about the MAP or MAF? The map sensor in a TR has no connectivity to the ECM. It is there only for the boost gauge. It would not set off the the SES light. Just wanted to make sure. Other GM vehicles did use the MAP for some fueling parameters but the TR's did not.

Hope this helps. Good to hear you got the car running. Do you have a scan tool.
Check to see if all your wires from the spark plugs to the coil pack are hooked up right. Disconnect one wire from the coil pack(while car running) check if you have a spark for each spark plug? Sure you are getting spark to each cylinder if you have spark to each cylinder it might be a fuel injector thats bad or two?