Beware of World Of Motorworks.

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Aug 29, 2006
I am currently been in a battle of trying to get my money back that was taken out of my account from World Of Motorworks. I called Paul personally and said he had nothing to do with the transactions. And I later found out from my bank that World Of Motorworks tried more times than they could count for more money.I'm glad none of those transactions went through. The transactions were made for around 2500, which was more than the parts I bought in the first place. Even though I still have a chance to recieve my money through the bank, its still World Of Motorworks problem to find out why his company made transactions without my consent. Like I said before he said he had nothing to do with it and maybe someone stole my credit card number that's been stored on a computer..... If you want to find out more visit and click on "black list" on the left side of the page toward the bottom. I did make a police report regarding the incident. We are all here to restore and have fun with our cars, I hate people trying to screw people over for no reason.. and I'm not the only person this has happened to either. So beware when your buying from World Of Motorworks.
If someone stole the cc number, why is the money going to World of Motorworks??
If Paul had "nothing to do with it", He should be calling the police too.
Drama Deer.gif

funny how that works.
he called me and said i still owed him money ..his brain has lost control of his mouth ..
I bought parts from him last year. But I guess my card number stayed on file. And last month money was taken out for no reason. It wasn't that the card itself was stolen, he had the number all along when I bought parts before. I'm sorry for your loss with the undelivered parts. I know how it is, and he called me too after I posted this, I called him two days ago and left a message. Im busy too ya know........... :)
i have saved all of the voice messages .. and i have some nice text messages .. potty mouth ! i owe you nothing .. so lets talk about what you owe me ..castelbuono
Well I agree and confirm everything stated in the above comments. I to tryed to be my own judge of character, ignoreing the warning signs from other board members
I did become a victim to WOMW. I to also, like oil man, defended him as well. Obviousely prior to seeing the other side. Long story short, I agreed to do some fab work for him. Installing a suspension set up for oil man (whom I have never met), on a barder deal for a suspension for my car. As the project went on it seemed as if more and more things got added on to the original agreement and i was getting involved in other projects that had nothing to do with this project. Meanwhile the supension project was being delayed. The oilman was wanting answeres why his car was not done, totaly understandable! By this time my gut was telling me that there was more to the story than I was being told on my end. It was at this point when I contacted oilman to find out what the original deal they had worked out was. The list of things that was suppose to be done was alot longer than just the suspension. Excuses were being made to oilman to cover time not being spent on his car. Parts were not there like originaly stated and the lists goes on and on.

At one point I was asked to take home a speedo to modify in wich I did not have time to do. I in return said no I had no time to do this. Do to my day job and spending time at his shop working on everything accept what should have been doing like the suspension! He flipped out threw the speedo down on the floor like a 2 yr old screaming and cussing etc... At this time I was fed up with the lies to the customer. Fed up with showing up and not haveing parts that were suppose to be there. Showing up after working a 10 -11 hr day at work and have to wait for 20 min or so for him to show up and most of all being pulled off the original project at hand to work on other BS that did not pertain.

I left to go home and contacted the oilman letting him know what had taken place. That I had enough of the games and bs that I could tolerate to be there anymore to finish the project. Oil man knowing I was originaly in this for the suspension kit for myself. Offerd to pay me with a kit with both of us knowing that at this point the chances of him( WOMOW) holding up to his end of the deal were going to be slim to none. Since thats what track record shows. At this point seeing that oilmann was stuck with a car half done he should not have to pay the price because of the lack of professionalism by Paul castle . It takes a REAL STAND UP GUY TO PAY THE BILL OF SOMEONE ELSES ACTIONS TO MAKE ANOTHER MANS DEAL RIGHT!! How many people would do that ??????

So to sum this up a bit I agreed to go back and finish so oil man could get his car back and I did. I'm still waiting for payment from WOMOW . I did however get my suspension kit immeadiately to my front door complete as promised by the oil man and it is in and done. It's funny how one mans words that u have never met are as solid as concrete and another mans words whom u thought was a friend are just that words. It strikes me funny how any time there is a problem with WOMOW its always everyone else who is in the wrong and not Paul Castle !! Through this whole deal Im a little more mad at myself for not listening to others however I have gained a great friend through all this, there is so much more you guys would have to sit for an hr to read it.

The title to this thread should be BUYER STAY AWYAY ALL TOGETHER AND SAVE YOURSELF THE AGGREVATION!! As for Mr. Castle babbling people with BS and smoke and mirrors may be part of selling cars from a dealership but it has no place in the auto restoration parts business.Don't bother ringing my phone either!!

A friend once told me be careful of the toes you step on today ,because they may be connected to the a$$ you have to kiss tomorow!! More people should live by this, Good motto to live by thanks agin OILMAN.
Well I agree and confirm everything stated in the above comments. I to tryed to be my own judge of character, ignoreing the warning signs from other board members
I did become a victim to WOMW. I to also, like oil man, defended him as well. Obviousely prior to seeing the other side. Long story short, I agreed to do some fab work for him. Installing a suspension set up for oil man (whom I have never met), on a barder deal for a suspension for my car. As the project went on it seemed as if more and more things got added on to the original agreement and i was getting involved in other projects that had nothing to do with this project. Meanwhile the supension project was being delayed. The oilman was wanting answeres why his car was not done, totaly understandable! By this time my gut was telling me that there was more to the story than I was being told on my end. It was at this point when I contacted oilman to find out what the original deal they had worked out was. The list of things that was suppose to be done was alot longer than just the suspension. Excuses were being made to oilman to cover time not being spent on his car. Parts were not there like originaly stated and the lists goes on and on.

At one point I was asked to take home a speedo to modify in wich I did not have time to do. I in return said no I had no time to do this. Do to my day job and spending time at his shop working on everything accept what should have been doing like the suspension! He flipped out threw the speedo down on the floor like a 2 yr old screaming and cussing etc... At this time I was fed up with the lies to the customer. Fed up with showing up and not haveing parts that were suppose to be there. Showing up after working a 10 -11 hr day at work and have to wait for 20 min or so for him to show up and most of all being pulled off the original project at hand to work on other BS that did not pertain.

I left to go home and contacted the oilman letting him know what had taken place. That I had enough of the games and bs that I could tolerate to be there anymore to finish the project. Oil man knowing I was originaly in this for the suspension kit for myself. Offerd to pay me with a kit with both of us knowing that at this point the chances of him( WOMOW) holding up to his end of the deal were going to be slim to none. Since thats what track record shows. At this point seeing that oilmann was stuck with a car half done he should not have to pay the price because of the lack of professionalism by Paul castle . It takes a REAL STAND UP GUY TO PAY THE BILL OF SOMEONE ELSES ACTIONS TO MAKE ANOTHER MANS DEAL RIGHT!! How many people would do that ??????

So to sum this up a bit I agreed to go back and finish so oil man could get his car back and I did. I'm still waiting for payment from WOMOW . I did however get my suspension kit immeadiately to my front door complete as promised by the oil man and it is in and done. It's funny how one mans words that u have never met are as solid as concrete and another mans words whom u thought was a friend are just that words. It strikes me funny how any time there is a problem with WOMOW its always everyone else who is in the wrong and not Paul Castle !! Through this whole deal Im a little more mad at myself for not listening to others however I have gained a great friend through all this, there is so much more you guys would have to sit for an hr to read it.

The title to this thread should be BUYER STAY AWYAY ALL TOGETHER AND SAVE YOURSELF THE AGGREVATION!! As for Mr. Castle babbling people with BS and smoke and mirrors may be part of selling cars from a dealership but it has no place in the auto restoration parts business.Don't bother ringing my phone either!!

A friend once told me be careful of the toes you step on today ,because they may be connected to the a$$ you have to kiss tomorow!! More people should live by this, Good motto to live by thanks agin OILMAN.
thank you again !
If you screw enough people over eventually you pick the wrong one, well lookie here :eek:
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