Bowling Green Customs got conned!!!!

Brings back fond memories...Ordered one of their stock location intercoolers back in the day. Got billed for the whole amount after shipping only the shroud to me. Had to wait another 6 weeks to get the actual intercooler after numerious calls.
what goes around

ordered intake 5 years ago after cc was charged waited 6 weeks everytime i call they say nextweek ,finally called cc company and disputed transaction,basically they used my money for 6 weeks didnt get no hat dam! cc company got my money back i was lucky,
I am the original owner of Bowling Green Customs. I started the business in 1987 and sold it to John in 1992. Unfortunately John never paid me the last $55,000 he owed me. I'm glad somebody got some of my money from them. I have started making some of my previous products like the trunk kits and console cushions again in limited quanities.

I still have one of your trunk kits as well as embroidered floor mats - still look great and honestly have never seen any that looked as good! I'll never forget those fiberoptic pimp hats - they were kewl :biggrin:
I loved BGC at one time(obviously before John bought it) But I too had to order an invisable turbo from them. Visa finally got my money back.

I am glad they got scammed!!!! Right back at ya:biggrin:
The reason, [one of many, I'm sure] that stuff such as elbows, intakes, were late, never shipped, was due to them screwing the guy that was doing the machine work. He shut them down, and refused to release the CNC programming...
The list of folks those two screwed is probably very long.
What goes around....
Maybe someone should drop a dime to the TV station that did the story and give them a little background of the "victims" of the scam. That would put a spin on things.:eek:
Personal experience..

I knew that they were going to get some intakes in, so I called and put my name on 1, for my stage 2.
Several weeks went by, and I get a call. "your intake is in and ready to ship". I said, "John, I live 45 mins from you, I'll come get it".
"NO! You HAVE to give me your CC#, or you'll be off the list", was the reply. No need to guess what came next!:mad:
I guess he's still sitting on it!:eek:
Come to find out, all I would get was the manifold... No rails, no plenum, no hardware... All of which were included in the $600.00 price. [Seems the machinist was holding those items, til he got paid.]
Those two were "famous" for the $hit they pulled w/ people's cc #'s!:mad:
Jack Cotton had 1, so I got it from him, and made my own rails....:cool:
Lol.... I was wondering how long it would take people to realize this thread is 3 years old.
was just putting around the web, and looked up bowling green customs. Since i'm too "new" to the buick community,
(2004-5) I was not aware of their "bad business" relations. Who ever their machinist was, should make some more parts:eek:

and I too find it interesting, the "original" owner of BGC revived this thread 3 years later.....interesting!. posted twice, and disappeared. Did anybody send him pay pal or a CC number?:D
I talked to him via email about the trunk kits. He offered to meet me at Bowling Green this year to put a trunk kit in my car at a discount if he could video the install. Unfortunately my car was not finished in time to make it to BG this year. I did go to BG but did not see him set up anywhere. I was looking forward to getting a trunk kit from him.

Funny that no one mentioned the possibility of Insurance Fraud. Would you put that past John & Cheryl?:confused:
The original owner that lives in BG wasn't the scam artists. It was the people who bought the business from him years ago.