Bruce Toelle SR. has open heart surgery. 12/28/11


TBcom Admin /Prayers NYFD/NYPD
May 24, 2001
WE4 (Bruce Jr.) here. I have been MIA for a bit. As you all know, I had open heart surgery in Feb of 2011.
I have been up in Santa Rosa for a week as Dad had open heart surgery on 12/28/11 and is still in CSICU at Santa Rosa Memorial hospital. I thought the parents were supposed to have the surgeries before the kids but it did not work out that way for us. He is progresing slowly as he had pnemonia afterwards as I did not. His recovery will be a little longer, and I say little longer with hope. Progress has been slow, but at least we are progressing. When I got here on Friday January 5 he still had not opened his eyes or was responding to the nurses or my Mom. When he heard my voice he started to converse through hand grabs and head nods as he had to have a breathing tube inserted. They said that was the most activity since surgery and wanted me to work with him. I have been here everyday and most of the nights, going home to my parents house here in Santa Rosa only to get some sleep. He opened his eyes on day two of me being here and they said that was great. Things began to improve when they finally took the tube out on Tuesday. He has come a long way in the last 5 days. Now the nurses say they cannot shut him up, lol. Thats Dad. Wanted you all to know and thanks to all who have emailed me with prayers and notes. Thank you all. Will keep you abreast on his condition. Anybody can call me at anytime. I am still in CSICU with him as you only have 1 Dad!

Bruce WE4
You guys have had a hell uv a few years, keep positive and stay strong!
our thoghts and prayers are with ya Bruce

Hope all goes well, now days its amazing what they (Dr's) can do,
keep us posted !

take care Buddy!
Our thoughts and prayers are for you and your dad take care of him, parents are special and so humble.
Bruce, Good to hear he is doing better. You and your family will be in my prayers
That is great, you gave a little something being his son. I hope you both have a better year and enjoy each other in wellness.
Good luck and happy times ahead. Hope all goes well. I just had stints installed in October. (ported arteries) Gotta have another look see on Monday, though as I am still having chest pain when walking over a 1/4 mile. Good health is wasted on the youth.:p
In one of the rotating ads there is an ad for Mitral Valve Replacement. If you read that , it is the EXACT robotic procedure I had. It is called MICAB and it is the first time I have seen this ad and it has some GREAT info in it. Anyway thought I would drop a line for it. I am going crazy here as Dad is sleeping and going in and out. Crazy tired....and thanks again guys for the thoughts and prayers!!!!!

Good luck and happy times ahead. Hope all goes well. I just had stints installed in October. (ported arteries) Gotta have another look see on Monday, though as I am still having chest pain when walking over a 1/4 mile. Good health is wasted on the youth.:p

Thanks man and Dad has had 4 stints as well. This time they said no way. They are going in. They could not beleive he made the flight from the Florida house out here. They said by all normal means he should not have made it, but that is Dad, defying all the odds to beat them all. They will only give you so many stints before they filet you so do not push it. LOL
Hope all goes well for you and Dad complained of the same things after he had the 4 stints over the past few years. Sucks to get old....... Don't it??
