Can Anyone on Here Photoshop?


Jul 8, 2004
I have a picture and all I would like is the gold rims changed to black. Is there is anyone on here that knows photoshop that could help me out? Thanks Ron
trying to find a new color for my car and would like to see how gold would look with black rims. Thanks ROn


  • image.jpg
    118.4 KB · Views: 147
Thanks I don't have a side on pic of the car in that color so that is the best pic I have.:frown:
Here is a side on shot if it would be easier to change the car color then the rim color? Thanks again.


  • talonsigpicrz0.jpg
    8 KB · Views: 132
Right now I'm thinking of changing the car to either gold, silver or red? Any feedback is welcome!
Tricky color to match exactly... here's an attempt:


Anyways black is a neutral color, black rims will pretty much match whatever color body you go with. Silver and black would probably look best. Doesn't look bad with the red either.
Thanks I appreciate your work. I'm trying to fresh'n up the look of my car and my problem is red and silver are stock Talon colors and I would like something custom.

Just for reference this is my car and its paited a custom Gun Metal Metalic

Thanks a million don't even bother with silver but if you could do the gold that would be great. I have a new hood, and roof on the car plus the side rear, and windshield out so now is the time to paint.
Thanks for all your help, sometimes its hard to picture your own car any other color unless you can actually see it. I'm open to any sugestions if someone out there has a color in mind.
Thanks for all your help, sometimes its hard to picture your own car any other color unless you can actually see it. I'm open to any sugestions if someone out there has a color in mind.

Burnt orange and keep the grey wheels.