Car sat for a month, now leaks oil????


Active Member
Jul 5, 2003
Just got my car back from the paint shop, it was there for 4 weeks. i had a tiny rear main leak before, but now it leaks a lot and so does the oil pan. None of this leaked at all before it was all dry. i know a car sitting for a loooong time vcan develop leaks, but only a month???
i had a tiny rear main leak before, but now it leaks a lot
None of this leaked at all before it was all dry.
Sounds a little contra****ting to me, eighter way, them painting it had absolutly nothing to do w/ the leaking, so just fork it up and do a rear main, either yourself or pay someone.
Good Luck
i understand painting had nothing to do with it and a rear main is no big deal, ive done a few i was just wodnering if anyone had this happen after a car sitting for about a month or two.
Did you record your mileage going into the paint shop to make sure no one did any joyriding maybe on a cold engine and blow your rear main?
yea, i had it done in my shops body shop. i guess it was just a matter of time before it went completely...... it just bother me that the pan is leaking now....oh well