Catalytic converter laws in Illinois. Fines???


The Artist FKA Scott4DMny
May 27, 2001
I thought it used to be 500 dollars if you got caught. I have a few questions. Have any of you been inspected by cops??? I havent run a cat in about 5 years on any of my cars. I got a buddy here tellin me that the fine is a million dollars to life in jail. I don't believe this. Anybody have some real stats/risks that are involved???

There's probably is a law for it, but I bet the cops dont care. They're too busy giving tickets to me:eek:
The law is a federal law, not state-by-state. Last I checked was about 5 years ago. The penalty was $10,000 for mechanics that remove them. The punishment for individuals wasn't clear.

I've been pulled over in my 77 T/A and questioned about my exhaust. Specifically the cop wanted to know if it had mufflers and resonators "like it should" (resonators?? WTF?). He didn't ask about the cat that was long gone. I've never heard of anyone in the local hot rod scene being hasseled about that.
Originally posted by Scott4DMny
I got a buddy here tellin me that the fine is a million dollars to life in jail.

Next time you see him, punch him in the gut and when he bends forward knock him back straight up with a rap to the forehead, like Moe does to Curly. Then poke him in the eyes and slap him a few times. Then get a hammer and put a couple dollars worth of nickel knots on his head.
Well Im living in ontario canada, and i was pulled over in september of 2001. I puled into a small plaza, going job hunting of all things.

A pair of cops just finished a check on a taxi and as I parked, the two walked up on either side of my car. They said they were doing inspections and yes they actually bent over and checked for my converter. They were also diggn around in the motor, was piss'n me off.

I had it off for two years previous to that, and two years after. I now have a high flow cat anyway. I kinda think it was a fluke I was inspected. :mad:

The fine was $380, thats it thats all. No points, no insurance junk. It was no deterrant for me, i still went without it for a long time. Shortly after the inspection, emissions tests were started so i always carried my test around with me just in case.
The law is federal, $25000 per day per incident, for knowingly removing emission control device(s).
here is a direct quote from the US code:

Violations.-Any person who violates sections 203(a)(1), 203(a)(4), or 203(a)(5) or any
manufacturer or dealer who violates section 203(a)(3)(A) shall be subject to a civil penalty of
not more than $25,000. Any person other than a manufacture or dealer who violates section
203(a)(3)(A) or any person who violates section 203(a)(3)(B) shall be subject to a civil penalty
of not more than $2,500. Any such violation with respect to paragraph (1), (3)(A) , or (4) of
section 203(a) shall constitute a separate offense with respect to each motor vehicle or motor
vehicle engine. Any such violation with respect to section 203(a)(3)(B) shall constitute a
separate offense with respect to each part or component. Any person who violates section
203(a)(2) shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than $25,000 per day of violation.
Re: Re: Catalytic converter laws in Illinois. Fines???

Originally posted by lyonsd
Next time you see him, punch him in the gut and when he bends forward knock him back straight up with a rap to the forehead, like Moe does to Curly. Then poke him in the eyes and slap him a few times. Then get a hammer and put a couple dollars worth of nickel knots on his head.

Originally posted by gofstbuick
here is a direct quote from the US code:

Violations.-Any person who violates sections 203(a)(1), 203(a)(4), or 203(a)(5) or any
manufacturer or dealer who violates section 203(a)(3)(A) shall be subject to a civil penalty of
not more than $25,000. Any person other than a manufacture or dealer who violates section
203(a)(3)(A) or any person who violates section 203(a)(3)(B) shall be subject to a civil penalty
of not more than $2,500. Any such violation with respect to paragraph (1), (3)(A) , or (4) of
section 203(a) shall constitute a separate offense with respect to each motor vehicle or motor
vehicle engine. Any such violation with respect to section 203(a)(3)(B) shall constitute a
separate offense with respect to each part or component. Any person who violates section
203(a)(2) shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than $25,000 per day of violation.

What are sections 203(a)(1) through 203(a)(5)?

$25,000 PER DAY for not having a cat on a car...come on what a bunch of BS...where did you get this from? if a cop ever looks under my car and checks for a cat i will tell him the car never came with the hell will he know?
Originally posted by d0n_3d
$25,000 PER DAY for not having a cat on a car...come on what a bunch of BS...where did you get this from? if a cop ever looks under my car and checks for a cat i will tell him the car never came with the hell will he know?

Me too. The penalty applies to whoever removed it. I bought my car used. Cat-uhh-lick-tuck? What's that?

I doubt that the rules would be enforced, except for gross violators. But some one asked and there is the rule. The US code is not a local ordinance, but a federal rule. If your read the rule, it states that any person who violates is subject to the fine. I take that to mean not only the person who removed it, but also the owner, as only the registered owner can authorizer repairs to their own vehicle. Go to the USEPA site and look for rule regulating mobile sources. You call it what you want, but some one asked the question, I just quoted the rule. Take what you want from it.:rolleyes:
To the person asking about what the section applies to. The section applies to removal of emission control equipment.