check ball in transmission pan?


Mar 16, 2013
so today i decided to bring down my transmission pan before dropping the tranny to send it out for a rebuild. and what do you no. i find a check ball on the bottom of the pan. i guess that explains why my car wont shift out of first gear. anyone no off hand where that check ball might have come from?
ok scratch that. now after removing the filter i found a total of 2 check balls and one small spring laying on top of it.... any clue where these parts are coming from?
Sounds like the governor spit those out, would also explain why you're not shifting out of 1st. Drop the gov housing and pull the governor, you'll see where the checkballs go (once you pop the plastic gear off), the spring holds the weight out.
Sounds like the governor spit those out, would also explain why you're not shifting out of 1st. Drop the gov housing and pull the governor, you'll see where the checkballs go (once you pop the plastic gear off), the spring holds the weight out.

The governor? is that the valve body or something else on the bottom of the tranny?
ok so i took of the piece and it has no springs nor check balls where they belong. but i only have one spring in my hand and in the photo is shows that both side should have a spring and check ball..
The governor check balls are smaller than the ones in the vb and case. One spring on the BR calibration on the smaller weight. You need to be sure the governor weights aren't bent. The balls should be captive once the assembly is together
does this seem right..its crooked to me but not sure if that's normal.
i did find the 2nd spring. it was twisted up on the end of my speedometer wheel. the wheel is slightly damaged. might need to replace that while i'm there.
ok so i was able to straighten out the weight and looks even now and moves very easy. now it seems my car had 2 springs and 2 checks balls but after doing some searching, it says i should only have 1 springs and 1 check ball on the smaller weight and nothing on the heavy weight. should i put it back that way or leave it as it was?
ok no problem. does anyone have any idea where i can buy new springs from. since one is destroyed i have to get a replacement. might as well buy both of them new.
You should only have one spring. I might have some springs. I'll take a look
ok so i put it back together with the check ball covering the hole with the spring in place on the small weight. but i don't understand how the other check ball stays in place with out a spring. as soon as i place it in the cover the check ball falls out.
The ball shouldn't fall out. It's bent. Needs to be bent a little more
ok i think i got it.. the little tab on the small weight was outward. bent it back inward a little and now the ball doesn't fall out but can still open...thank you guys and bison for your help... ill put it back on tomorrow...