CK Billet Output Shafts, anybody able to fit a yoke on them?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2004
Having a hell of a time fitting my driveshaft onto this output shaft. Simply doesnt fit onto it. Anybody using one yet? What are you using for a yoke?
Having a hell of a time fitting my driveshaft onto this output shaft. Simply doesnt fit onto it. Anybody using one yet? What are you using for a yoke?
Yes,we heard about that problem and had them checked before they got to tranny shop. My buddy had to file the input shaft to slide convertor on.
Yep, the output shaft is definately bad. What a pain in the balls. You'd think for the freakin price of these, they would at least been checked before they were sold. So now I have to pay $250 to ship this trans to Chris and back. Not happy at all.
Yep, the output shaft is definately bad. What a pain in the balls. You'd think for the freakin price of these, they would at least been checked before they were sold. So now I have to pay $250 to ship this trans to Chris and back. Not happy at all.
Check your driveshaft yoke splines you may have twisted them too.
Should be on his dime if his parts was not quality checked before it left.
The driveshaft is a brand new Denny's Nitrous ready 3.5" with a billet Mark Williams yoke. We got it on slightly and had to beat the crap out of it just to get it off. Now my driveshaft looks like crap too, I'm hoping it's salvageable. I'm planning to take it to a local shop and have them check it and re-balance.

A stock yoke does not fit at all. Thats why I posted. I was wodering if you guys had experiences with these. I did get ahold of Chris but as stated in my previous post, it's going to cost me another $250 in shipping costs. Let alone the banged up driveshaft and the pain of taking the trans out and puting it back in again.
That doesn't right at all for something that's not your fault and isn't usable. o_O
I think I'd ask for a refund, & try my luck elsewhere. ;)
Chris didnt offer to take care of shipping costs.
Remember our conversation about him when you sold me the crank last year....there are others for billet parts,his service has always been marginal in my transactions. Not to say his shift kit doesn't rock and he is great innovator for our 200's.
Remember our conversation about him when you sold me the crank last year....there are others for billet parts,his service has always been marginal in my transactions. Not to say his shift kit doesn't rock and he is great innovator for our 200's.

I steer clear as well. Been there done that.......Alot of lip on how good and then BS when the lip didnt do as advertised!
I'll give him a chance to make this right again. In the end, I'll post my experience in the feedback section (good or bad). If he does me well, I'll make sure to post. If it's going to end up costing me even more to fix his lack of quality control, the Turbo Farm will make sure nobody in the midwest buy another trans or part from him. It's that simple.
Jeremy, I know my buddy that built my tranny and used all of the CK parts that I purchased which included the output shaft and I know he told me it was a PITA getting the converter on. Although after removing the tranny soon after the install because of a band that let go the converter went on quite a bit easier.

On another note, you planning on doing the 2012 Power Tour?
The only reason my buddy and I caught the problem before it went to Janis was ,we were told it was an on going problem.I called CK and made them fit a stock yoke on before it left .My aluminum shaft fits and so does the stock one.I havent put my convertor in yet,but my buddy had to file the input shaft and force it to get his convertor in.
I have the same head aches on the converter end. When people call and the converter won't go on it's a 99.9% chance they have a billet input shaft.
Craig, yep, The Turbo Farm West crew will be representing in full force this year! We should have all of our cars running (if I get this tranny issue figured out!) and we are planning to be part of the Long Haul gang. Are you Long Hauling this year?
I have the same head aches on the converter end. When people call and the converter won't go on it's a 99.9% chance they have a billet input shaft.

Dusty, what is your solution when these issues come up? Are you seeing damage in the converters because of too tight of tolerances?
Well a little update that is GOOD NEWS! Chris is going to take care of me. I'm going to bring this trans up to Jimmy's and Chris will foot the bill. Thank you Chris!
Jeremy, Not going to be a Long Hauler because the time, miles, cost and luck aren't on my side. I might register as a Long Hauler and get my boy Polzin to be a Craig imposter for the first 3 stops.
I will certainly do that for you Craig! I am really hoping to get this car back together for the trip this year. Otherwise it'll be like the past two years where I get to be the buddy riding shotgun!

Thanks again Chris for your help making this situation easier for me.