CNN pisses me off...


You've gotta try this!
Sep 2, 2001
For those of you who don't know, I'm an American living overseas and my only source of english spoken news is BBC World and CNN International. BBC World is pretty good with news and such, but CNN just PISSES me off.

With this SARS outbreak going on... every day on CNN I hear pretty much the same thing... China, Hong Kong, Asia, etc, being infected.. they are SO worried about all the places over there... That's fine, I understand it's an international news agency, they are covering news from all over the world, but today I was on the phone with my parents and they told me of 3 cases reported in my home state of Maryland. At first I didn't believe it because I hadn't heard anything from CNN. The last I had heard (several weeks ago) that there were a few cases in the western U.S. (California, I think). So, I looked on their website... searched around for a bit and find a big number like 250 or so infected... but STILL didn't tell me by state. So I got smart and went onto CDC's website.. sure enough, 3 cases. I would have LOVE to have known this... I like to keep on top of what's going on back home. They did have one program on CNN International called American Edition that was about 1/2 hour worth of U.S. news, two times a day... but NOPE.. they cut that for more international news... ARGH!!:mad:

Sorry to rant, but DAMN I miss Fox News. You would think CNN (who's base is in Atlanta) would still give fair coverage of what's going on in the US. The last time I checked, we were still a part of the 'international community'.
CNN is weak, and handles the truth loosely for sure

But, the ordinary flu is going to kill 25,000 Americans this year. That is something to worry about.

The reporting on SARS is sensational at best. Do not worry excessively about it. If you think you might be in an area of higher risk for SARS, keep your hands away from your face and wash them frequently. And, stay away from people who are coughing. If SARS is in your area, prepare your own food. Those are your best defences. If you get a cold, see your doctor. Chill out about SARS :)

If you are in the military, a military chow hall will be pretty safe I'd think, they follow all the right rules, all the time.

If you have a good immune system you have better than a 97% chance of surviving if you do contract SARS. You have less than 1% chance of being exposed to it. Even then, you'll prolly just sluff it off like a cold (90% of current SARS victims do, 10% are hospitalized, 3.5% die).

Chin up ;)


A. Its a virus....Every virus mutates....That is why you get colds and flu over and over again.
B. Bio Weapon....Speculative BUNK
C. We don't know about a lot of things....That does not need to cause panic, or, change the way you can protect yourself

There is two confirmed cases of SARS in Collin Co (North Dallas area). Both subjects (2 Asian males) were here visiting from Hong Kong. I've also read that there has been no SARS related deaths in the states.
oh every time i turn on the news they are saying someone in the USA has sars then you never hear about it again, geez half the symptoms are that of a common cold, every nervous person is gonna be rushing into the accident room with "sars like" symptoms.
Agreed about the low chances...

I still don't have concern about catching it. As I've heard, there have been no deaths so far in the states. So, I'm not THAT worried. Only thing that bothers me is the fact that CNN sensationalizes this so much in Asia and other places, yet when I want to know about my home country, I don't hear SQUAT!

I think the odds are very much in my favor.. I haven't been, nor shall I be near Hong Kong or China. It seems like in other places, it's getting a cap like Toronto. Lastly, if you look at the odds, there are about 220 million people living in the US... out of that, only 250 or so have this (most of which are foreign visitors from Asia or persons returning from Asia), and out of the 250 NONE have died. So I'm not too worried. Would just love to get the facts instead of the bent and distorted reporting.

BTW, thanks for the info on SARS.
Cancer will kill 90,000 this year,,that is 7500 a month,or 250 a day or 10.4 people a hour

SARS ,,I seen an Oriental last night with a mask on ,,,I was busting up laughing until my wife punched my arm --ouch---:rolleyes:
Communist News Network

I literally cannot watch more than 30 seconds of their coverage of anything.

SARS Quiz: Test Your Level of Intelligence


Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.

Author of the national bestselling book

Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional?

Level 1:

It is April, have we not been fools?

Last year, didn't more than 36,000 people die of the flu in the U.S.?

Weren't they, almost all, elderly or very young?

Weren't these victims, almost all, immune compromised?

Had not the major source of their weakened immunity been drug side effects and vaccine-induced toxicity and autoimmunity?

Why was there nearly no mention about this widespread mortality from flu in previous years, compared to SARS this year, which to date (April 16, 2003) has killed no one in America?

Alternatively, with zero deaths in the U.S. from SARS thus far, why has so much media attention focused on this newest microscopic menace?

Why hasn't the mainstream media asked these simple questions?

Level 2:

Why are SARS "cases" and SARS mortality rates grossly overstated and mixed-up in the press?

For instance, why are "confirmed" and "suspected" SARS cases grouped together in most news reports, when the majority of "suspected" "cases" turn out to be something other than SARS?

Why would public health officials, who know better, go along with the false and misleading 4% death rate from SARS errantly established on this inappropriate summing of "confirmed" and "suspected" SARS "cases?"

Why would epidemiologically trained public health officials completely disregard the thousands, if not millions, of other people who got SARS-people who never reported their illness and naturally healed without quarantine, hospitalization, or expensive drugs?

Wouldn't an honest projection of the SARS mortality rate seem miniscule and irrelevant?

Wouldn't that make the economic incentive from SARS seem miniscule and irrelevant?

Would SARS's irrelevance help or harm newspaper sales?

Would miniscule mortality rates help or harm health officials attempting to justify their existence and increase their budgets?

Speaking of money, if contraindications and side effects of ribaviron abound, and it has never been tested against the SARS-strain of coronavirus to begin with, then why has it been recommended and prescribed by those claiming "authority" since the beginning of the SARS scare?

Level 3:

Is it true that conservatively 10 percent of Americans are psychologically and/or pharmacologically predisposed to developing debilitating phobias with potentially deadly social dysfunctions resulting from their frights?

Is this mentally challenged population placed at highest risk from mass-mediated fear campaigns?

Is it likely that more of these 27 million people in the U.S. alone have suffered horribly from the SARS fright than those who have gotten SARS?

Is it likely far more of these people have died from phobia-induced avoidance behaviors, like avoiding outside (i.e, social) contacts, including life-saving services, in the wake of SARS coverage by the media?

Don't public health officials realize this as they "surf the SARS wave to international fame?"

Likewise, does this SARS fright reflect irresponsible journalism?

Level 4:

Is there a specialty field of science in public health and journalism known as "risk communication?"

Does a Google search on the Internet reveal about 2,780,000 "risk communication" references with recommendations as to how to communicate risks most efficiently without: a) harming the public; b) creating phobias, and c) reinforcing irrational fears?

Doesn't every public health official learn about this field of science known as "risk communication" during their professional training?

Doesn't risk communication in public health, such as applied in the field of AIDS education, seek to reduce irrational fears?

Hasn't every public health professional with media spokesperson responsibilities been made keenly aware of the need to communicate health risks honestly and appropriately with this being the intended outcome?

Haven't experts in behavioral science and public health developed "risk communication" protocols to assure the public is able to accurately assess risks to their personal health from infectious diseases among other threats?

Why has the entire field of "risk communication" in public health, along with full honest disclosure, been completely neglected in-so-far-as SARS is concerned?

Level 5: Genius Level

If far more than 99.99% of people infected with SARS get well on their own, how did they manage to do that without government involvement?

If these people's healthy immune systems are primarily responsible for their speedy recoveries, with all the warnings issued regarding SARS, why haven't our officials published a variety of practical immune boosting recommendations?

Is it true that both fear and stress reduces natural immunity to infectious diseases like SARS?

Is it true that herbal cures for coronavirus infections were published in the scientific literature in 1995?

Is it true that government authorities have neglected to mention this fact?

Logically, then, if government health experts know all of the above, are fueling fears while neglecting practical solutions, doesn't it seem as though they are actively increasing public risks and death rates?

Given the above, doesn't "criminal negligence" and "public health malpractice" best describe government officials' actions in response to SARS, thus far?

Does less than 3% of America's annual health budget go to prevention?

Does a "stitch in time save nine?"

"Is there a fox in the henhouse?"

Is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. prescribed by doctors and hospital staff?

Aren't these the first people you think of seeing when you get sick?

If yes, are you mentally ill?

Answers: All "Yes" or "No" questions (except for the last two) are definitively affirmative. If you got them correct, then there's hope for you. For the other questions, your guess is as good as mine . . . April fools.

Copyround © 2003, Leonard G. Horowitz

The author authorizes reprinting and circulation ad libitum.

This article was provided

courtesy of Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz

and Tetrahedron Publishing Group

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Sandpoint, Idaho 83864

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See also:

Ask Bob

Indeed. SARS has cost the Toronto economy plently. If a convention of librairians < wo - hoo! > cancells, the cost to Toronto hospitality bizz will be crippling. The WHO screwed us real good.
