Collector Car Insurance?


New Member
May 24, 2001
Hey guys, I'm in search of a company that will insure my TTA as a collector car.

I've had a hard time finding a company that will honor the TTA or will honor a 22 year old, I found one but they go back 5 years on tickets and I had one speeding ticket over 4 years ago! I couldn't believe it.

Hope there is something out there because I don't know if I can afford insuring two cars.

TIA :)
Tried haggerty, that's the one where you can't have any tickets over the last 5 years, and I had one 4 years ago.
no mile limit,no drive to work, must have garage, proof of daily driver.
then you state value of car.
Originally posted by m0bius
Already did, car has to be 20 years old.

My 87 GN is insured with them (Condon & Skelly) got it about 3 months ago 210 a year for complete coverage. Someone is giving you the wrong information

I'm in the same boat. I am 20 with an 87 GN and I called EVERYWHERE for ANY kind of special insurance for it, and price didn't matter. Every single company I called rejected me for one of three reasons: my age, the car being too new, or the fact that I have one speeding ticket. After months of long distance calls (at work, of course ;) ) I gave up and went with regular old full coverage from Allied because they seem to pay out the best in the event of an accident (Depends on the adjuster, though). Many of my friends have totalled vehicles with allied insurance and all have made money on their cars after the deductible. Good luck to you, but it's unlikely that you're gonna find anything. If you do, please send me a PM or e-mail me, my wallet and I will thank you!


I just got grundy ins. on my 87 T and i have 3 tickets. $170 a year full coverage for a $10,000 value:D Frank
How old, or how long do you have to be licensed to go with Grundy? I'm 22 and have my license 5 years.

Dont even bother... NO collector insurance company is going to insure you because youre under 25. Its built into the criteria for their underwriting.
Originally posted by Rogue Leader

Dont even bother... NO collector insurance company is going to insure you because youre under 25. Its built into the criteria for their underwriting.

Not true. I'm 24 and have my Chevelle under K&K (Now Aon). Very happy with them. Unlimited mileage and almost zero usage restrictions. They didn't even balk at the agreed value nor the fact it's heavily modified. Grundy and Hagerty denied me because of multiple reasons:

1. I was under 25
2. The car is too heavily modified
3. My daily driver is more than 10 years old (I still have to say WTF?!?!? on that one)

I couldn't get the TTA under collectors insurance with Aon though, as it's not old enough. Pffft!

Beware Grundy... if you're not driving to/from a show or car event chances are you're not covered!

Has anyone ever had a claim with any of these companies?
If so, was it handled decently.

Also, did you need to present a appraisal for the agreed value part?

I have mine from Condon & Skelly (Met Life). Had to send them pictures, front rear sides, interior and engine. Agreed value 15,000. Never did a claim with them. I believe the owner or agent for Condon has posted on here he owns a GN.
