Connecticut CannonBall Run


New Member
Mar 3, 2002
Hello Everyone.
Just wanted to announce the First Annual Connecticut Cannonball Run. (CCR)
We are trying to get a count of how many people would actually be intrested in doing this event.

Heres some Info on the event

Entree Price: $100.00
Date: May 10th 2003 (Rain OR Shine)
After Event: Big Dinner after all have made it

There will be a 1st 2nd and 3rd (if there is enough cars) place price. Prices will vary from Cash to Gift certficate. More cars the better and higher the prizes get.

18 plus ONLY (sorry cant be dealing with lawsuits)
Valid - Drivers Liscence
- Insuarnce
- Registeration
Street Legal cars only (no tow)
Driver and Nav. only (all others must pay $20 per person)

There are NO rules j/k
Obey traffic laws (although you dont have to but we are not responsible for any tickets/fines, arrest, or car being towed away)
all other rules will be shown at a later date

where do you plan on going to-from,day,night?who is getting rest of $$,how many cars is enough.sorry for so many ?s.just need more info.sounds like fun.....
The race is all within the whole state of CT. We have a set course.
Money goes to prizes, possible chariety if we have a large sum. race is in the day.
Obey traffic laws (although you dont have to but we are not responsible for any tickets/fines, arrest, or car being towed away)

I think you also forgot "we are not responsible for you dying, or you killing anyone coming home from church, soccer practice etc.

I guess some peope can sleep at night if something tragic happened..After all, they put the disclaimer up.:rolleyes:
Hey Steve...Still waiting to use the trailer,and still waiting for my motor. I stopped up there and he had the block done, and I think he was working on the crank. I've pretty much been a hermit all winter while I work on my house a little. I heard you bought a mustang?? As u can see in my sig, I traded the TA for the L. now I'm thinking of selling the L. (I need a back seat). You still working at J&M?
Scott,i hear ya on the hermit deal,im trying to talk the wife into moving south,the guys here on the board are now going to hang me with that mustang comment(99 cobra),turned the GN into a new Harley.but i do have my nice clean 84 regal it just dosent go as good as a turbo car:( left J&m back in nov.. there will be a good thing coming away from there soon,i cant say what but there will be a new Buick shop to go to very back to driving truck,maybe we can all hook up at HOOTERS like ken wanted on a saturday or sunday those ti**,i mean wings.
Originally posted by GNSCOTT
I'll be there, but then we'll have to call it an SVT get together.:D

WHAT!!!!!:D It's all good, and it's not RICE!!:p Getting to the point now that whatever performance car(or truck) you drive is "ok", as long as it's not plastered with 4' wings and dual fart pipes and 10 lbs of stickers!;) ie; RICE

We will all get together in March for some Hooter burger's and wings!!!:D
Originally posted by GNSCOTT
I think you also forgot "we are not responsible for you dying, or you killing anyone coming home from church, soccer practice etc.

I guess some peope can sleep at night if something tragic happened..After all, they put the disclaimer up.:rolleyes:

I dont know if your were talking a cheap shot or what but i dont want anything bad to happen or some participate sueing me in this sue happy world. There will be a waiver that has to be signed before the event for those "just in case moments.
Where is the "cheap shot"? What you are organizing is dangerous, and just like at a track, a waiver means nothing. Waivers mean nothing.What you are organizing, and especially the time of day you are organizing it are both inherently dangerous. You are organizing a race on public roads. Have't you ever seen the law that we refer to when drag racing?? It will apply to this race also. If someone dies and you think they won't come after the organizers of the event, than you don't know lawyers. Even if you won in court, you'd lose with lawyers fees. Good luck to you, the drivers, and the hundreds of thousands of innocent drivers using Ct's highways on a Sunday afternoon.
Hows this dangerous. Rules are the laws but its your OWN hoice whether you wanna do so or not.
Also considering that the waiver is being written up by my friend
(what you know a lawyer) so believe me when i say the waiver will mean something

also stop being so negative. its not like these people whom are intrested are out to kill but if you wanna keep thinking that event still goes but you know 30-40 year old gear heads are gonna go kill the innocent. :rolleyes:
Do you think the starter wrote the waiver? They get sued and lose all the time, even if a waiver is sighned. Lets put it this way...I will bet you my car, if one of the racers gets into an accident, kills himself or someone else, the event organizers will be sued...Ask your lawyer buddy if thats a good possibility, if he says no, go for a second opinion. You are offering a prize to the person who finishes the race 1st,the race takes place on public roads, ask your lawyer friend if that's legal. Why should my or anybodys elses family have to beat risk? You can play ignorant all you want, but we all know that NOBODY is going to follow traffic laws, because just by entering they are breaking one. Its a race on public streets, not to mention its on a Sunday in rural Ct.:rolleyes: I don't know, maybe it would be different if you were doing it at 3AM Monday morning, but the last thing we need are a bunch of kids pushing their cars to the limits on these highways. GOOD LUCK, you may need it.
well scott me and your arguement ca be going on for days so i just want to correct some things
A. May 10th = Saturday
B. You say kids but everyone who expressed intrested range rom 25-40+ but you know thats kids for you eh.
saturday...much safer day:rolleyes:
rain or shine hmmn....

In a drag race on a desolate road with no turnouts the top end is the most dangerous time, and usually that is around the 100mph mark. Now imagine that top end, on a saturday during the day, may be raining,around the entire state of Connecticut.

Like I said, tell a lawyer you are organizing this, and ask if there is a waiver that can prevent you from being sued. You are having the racers sign a waiver, but what about the people they may hit? (not that the waiver the drivers are signing mean anything) The parents, spouses, or children of the racers will sue you.

I'm not arguing with you, I just want to let you know what you may be up against if someone gets hurt.