Cotton Road Service

Night Train

Mar 19, 2002
I was driving up to LVD for Hemmings Muscle Palooza Memorial Day (7AM) and was about 30 miles from anywhere on the Mass Pike when a line to my external tranny cooler decided to let go. Fortunately I was near a maintenance turnoff and coasted in. I knew Jack was at LVD and put in a panic call. Brian was on his way up there and would bring necessary parts and tranny fluid for an emergency fix. An hour later I was on my way to the event. You can't put a price on that kind of support. Big THANKS to Brian and Cotton's for being there! I guess next time I'll put it in the trailer. Of course, we have to move the 5 yards of mulch blocking it in before I can get the trailer out...
wow. thats awsome

Not really. That's just Jack. Well, Jack and Brian.
They're good people. They've come to my rescue a number of times. For that matter, so has Bob "Night Train".

Hey Bob, I was there Saturday. Had I known you were going to be the Sunday, I would have wiated a day. But I did get the waGoN straightened out, so now maybe I can hit a few track events behind the wheel instead of in the stands.
Yep, Jack and Brian are some of the BEST in the BUICK community and all around great people, and I am diffently proud to be one of there friends (customer):biggrin: JR.
Yeah, hes one that we hope will stay around in our community for a long time. I've had great dealings with him. But, I don't think hes going anywhere soon, because he genuinely enjoys these cars, and doing what hes doing.