Couple paint questions


Oct 10, 2013
I noticed on the bottom of my doors the paint isn't smooth it looks like a heavy duty "Rhino Lining" that's been painted and glossed over. Is this factory or maybe done after the fact?

I saw one GN that looked like the paint was original (well weathered) that looked like it had a mild metallic flake in it. On my car it just looks like a plain black. Whats the original paint supposed to look like?

Original paint has chip guard in it on the lower area where the door makes its last bend downward.
Some GN's had metallic in the paint.A friend of mine has one he bought new and is still original paint and it has metallic in it.As far as the rock guard some were sprayed very heavy and some you hardly notice it.
As mentioned, many GN's came with traces of metallic in the paint. It's a good way to verify if the paint is original. Mine has silver specs but I've heard of some having gold and/or a mix of silver and gold.
Was it a paint option or changed from year to year? It seems strange to me that any manufacturer would change the batch of paint mid run.
According to Dennis Kirban, assembly workers were not diligent in cleaning out their paint guns before laying the GN black.
From expierence of owning a few black TRs mine had a light metallic flake as well (original paint). From what I've been told when ours cars were being painted at the factory (G body cars) the body was painted minus the hood, front fenders, & header. These panels were painted separately & assembled later on the car. My flake is mainly on the doors, roof, & deck lid. None on the front clip. This tells that this painting process may be accurate. Not sure what caused the flake...heard the dirty gun therory.
I've got flake on my front fenders and hood. One of the last several hundred to roll off he line. Not sure if that makes a difference or not...
If I decide to repaint the car at some point and intentionally put black metal flake in to give the paint more depth is that sacrilege?
I always felt the 86's had more metallic than the 87's
The 87's were just plain bad.
My 86 was really neat to look at.