cruise in at krystals on merril road


New Member
Jun 21, 2002
hey nftrc guys the cruise in thios weekend is at krystals on merril rd and i was wondering who, if anyone is gonna show up. let me know whats up
I will probably be there,Ill be driving a black GN...ha ha ha I thought it was in orange park this sat?
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Look for the "Cruise In" schedule link to figure out where the cars are on a given Sat. night. This Saturday is the 1st one of the month so they'll be at Hooters in OP. Looks like the Merrill Rd. one is gone. (?)

I am taking my wife out Saturday night and I got a ticket driving the GN out to Merrill Rd. last month..I may say screw it and drive the Suburban. :)
I was wondering why the krystal at merrill road was not on the schedule.So I guess it is OP this saturday?
well as i expected there was a great turnout at the krystals show. i wish someone would have gone so i could have shown what was going on with my car. oh well though
Originally posted by KendallF
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Look for the "Cruise In" schedule link to figure out where the cars are on a given Sat. night. This Saturday is the 1st one of the month so they'll be at Hooters in OP. Looks like the Merrill Rd. one is gone. (?)

I am taking my wife out Saturday night and I got a ticket driving the GN out to Merrill Rd. last month..I may say screw it and drive the Suburban. :)

The Merrill Rd deal on the 1st saturday of each is not the car council, but I don't know who it is.