denatured recipe


New Member
Jul 9, 2001
What is everyone mixing with there denatured? ie how much water and how much wd40?

Did anyone put C16 instead of alky in yet? A lot of people are warning me about the alky and that it will cause more damage than good? Is that true.

People that warn you about alky, more than likely don't know how it works and have never used it. I've heard people that don't know the basics of alky say that "you should put c116 in there." That completely defeats the purpose of alky. You'll ruin your cat and your o2 sensors, you will barely get any addictional octane because you are injecting such a small amout and you don't get the heat reduction.

I'm using 100% denatured, and enough wd 40 to change the color of the alky: 5 second squirt.
Pretty scientific measurement there eh? Make sure you squirt exactly 5 seconds, not 4.99 or 5.01. ;) Just kidding. I squirt enough wd 40 till it looks good.
I use 70% denatured and 30% methanol (dry gas) with a shot of WD40.

The LTD runs mid 11.s with this set up.


Where dore everyone that is using alky inj buy the denatured and what does the label say as there is many kinds available thanks John!
I buy it at lowes or home depot. I don't know if paint stores carry it. When I was doing the xylene thing home depot was $10 a gallon and sherwin williams was only $6 a gallon. Maybe I should look into the the local paint stores. The stuff I get a lowes says Denatured Alcohol on the front of the can.
denatured $

I buy my alky at Ace, $7.99/gal. last month. I give about the same 5 sec. of a WD 40 clone. I see a faded brown tint as the correct mix to the crystal clear denatured. To you spitters, far less brown than the typical Copenhagen ejection (a joke).:cool:
Any light lubricant will work ie. sewing machine oil, 3 in 1, etc...etc...etc. Avoid things like tapping oil or chain saw chain oil. You are simply supplying a lubricant for a pump that would have none with pure alky. Anything that will mix with alky will work. I went out and did a 5 count of my WD40 clone into a spray cap and concluded with the minimum scientific hypothesis that I was looking at <1/2 oz but >1/4.
In my youth we used to pour Marvel Mystry oil down the carbs to clear out carbon deposits in over cammed and way too rich fuel mixtures...a 421 tri-power Poncho comes to mind, but that is another story.:p
originally posted by Ed Miklavcic

a 421 tri-power Poncho comes to mind, but that is another story.

Oh be still my beating heart. Nice engine, makes a real deep inhilation sound when all three open up. I have a '64 389 3x2 GP. Big 'ole beast, but it still sets you back in the seat.
Originally posted by Grim Reaper
ok so what abotu marvel mystery oil. how much of that instead of WD-40?


I pour 1oz MMO into the Gal. can of Denatured Alcohol and shake to mix. Then refill SMC bottle.:D

This may sound stupid but, when u guys spray the wd40, do u spray it into the full tank of alcohol or let it get low and spray it into the pump itself. I just got my kit and want to lubricate it, since I will be refilling mine for the weekend??

adding WD40

I simply spray it into the alky tank when it needs additional alky. proportional to how much I need to add (ie 1/6 of 1/2 gallon tank=1 second og WD40 clone). This isn't rocket science and an error in either direction will not cause the demise of the system. I then add the alky and let the swirl from the addition along with the normal fan/engine vibration be my continual agitator.:D
Thanks, I figured it was simple, but seems like somethings on these cars are and other things are not as simple.;)
