does putting a cage lower the price of the car


Feb 27, 2005
does putting a cage lower the price of the car i am thinking about putting a 10 point in my car
Is it safe to assume you meant:
Will the value of the car decrease to the next potential buyer with a 10 point cage installed?

My answer, not if you are selling it to someone that will race it regularly and doesn't care if how much it's be modified. To a purist IMO, yes it will decrease the value significantly.
I think it would lower the value also.....

Unless you are selling to a racer who would use it, I think it would lower the value.
Are you talkng with swingouts for the doors?
For a daily driver yes I think it would.
For a strip only car no it wouldn't.
Just my .02 :D

Wish my car was fast enough for this to be a concern.:D
roll cage

it will lower the price of the car. but to minimize the cutting of the floor you can loosen the body mounts jack the body up alittle off the frame , hole saw you holes in the floor where the bars are going through the floor to the frame weld the bars to the frame lower the body back down and seam seal around the bars at the floor
there is a saying...there is a seat for every........ to some who do not want the hassle of instaling someone that wants it stock...yes....
A poorly designed, poorly installed cage will negatively impact the value of a nice GN or Turbo Regal. But, on the other hand, a well designed, well done cage may not decrease the value.

The cage limits your market. Fewer people are interested in a street car with a cage.
I think a well fabed cage makes a custom car look just that, custom. For a stock car or nearly stock car I would say it definately decreases the value. If I had a choice in my stage car I would rather it not have a bar but the car dosen't show any signs of twisting so maybe the bar is doing a good job holding the car together.

If you have swingouts that will help but your still climbing into the car and in reality a bar and especially a cage will not make the car safer for street use becuase you won't be wearing a helmut to knock your head against the bar. One is more likely to die from there skull being crushed against the bar then the impact from another vehicle and passing from blunt trauma. I can see a bar being safer in some ways but not a full cage. G-Bodys are pretty solid cars with solid doors so unless your planning on racing it I would not hack the car up. More people will definately want the car without a bar/cage then do. So for re-sell purposes I doubt it would increase in value and would likely decrease depending on your combo.
I had a 68 camaro in GREAT condition and tried selling it and couldnt. Kept getting low offers for it.
One day after hearing too many people b!tch about it, I decide the have the cage removed.
After that, car sold almost instantly and I got what I wanted out of it.

Cage will hurt the value IMO and my experience.
i agree it would lower the value of it, i was told to think about putting one in for safety but i don't want to cut the car up, i know it's a safety issue and i know once i do a 10-sec pass they'll tell me " if you run that fast again, your going to get kicked out " :tongue: . safety aside a gn with a cage Screams racs car, which would make me think as a buyer it's been taking a pounding, is he selling it because it's about to break etc..

just my 2 cents
does putting a cage lower the price of the car i am thinking about putting a 10 point in my car

Keep in mind, you're addressing the SAFETY forum here. A role bar or a cage could save your life ..... what value would you place on that.

Only you, or your family, could tell you if a cage would add to or lower your cars's value. :wink: :confused: Think about it !:wink:

Keep in mind, you're addressing the SAFETY forum here. A role bar or a cage could save your life ..... what value would you place on that.

Only you, or your family, could tell you if a cage would add to or lower your cars's value. :wink: :confused: Think about it !:wink:


Good answer.
I'll throw in my 2 cents as I was actually looking to buy a caged GN a half a year ago for a new project. And yes, I was willing to pay more because it would already be done for me. If I was looking for a non-caged GN and it was caged, I probably just wouldnt buy it and look elsewhere, hope this helps. I would think that once it was caged I wouldnt want to try to remove it.
If it's sold as a race car, a cage could be a plus. As a street car, it depends on the car. If it's a "well worn" car, selling for 5-6k, it would be fine but for a really nice car, I think it would totally kill the value of the car. Paul