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Dumb A** Crooks!!


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Active Member
Dec 20, 2009
I have a funny story to share with you guys. My best friend calls me today saying he didnt get paid for a job cause his liabilty insurance lapsed. So instead of waiting 30 minutes till lunch he decided to leave early head home and get his paperwork to renew it. He walks up to his door and hears people talking inside so he backs up and walks to a window. He looks in and see's 3 guys in baggy pants hanging off there asses and his sliding window in the back shattered. So he takes off running around back [He is a big boy,260 pounds not an ounce of fat, body builder, looks like Brock Lessner] he comes up to corner at full speed and lookout guy walks around corner looking back he punches him and knocks him out cold! So the other guys see this through window and take off running. So he chases them about 100 yards and is out of breath. He decides to go get his glock 9mm and get his truck. As he backs up he see's kid he layed out stand up and wobble around and get in a truck behind house and take off so he decides to chase the wigger down and corner him off. He pulls the gun out and forces kid on the ground and starts stomping kids head in the dirt. He then sits on the kids back and cocks the gun then puts it on his head. The kid starts crying and begging him not to shoot and saying they didnt know how big he was. He tells the kid to shut up or it will be the last time he breaths again. So the kid does. Then he pulls his cellphone out of his pocket and calls cops. They arive make him throw his weapon away from them and handcuff the kid. The kid starts saying he just got assulted by that big guy for no reason and my jaw is broke [his jaw was about 2" to the side and swollen like a balloon].Cops say your lucky that big guy didnt shoot you cause its legal here in Florida now. So he got caught,the truck was registered to one of the kids parents so he got caught and they are trying to get other 2 all 18 years old. Finally i hear a good ending to theives!! I would have shot him no questions though!
Excellent story, I just hope like Hell for your friends sake that he doesn't get sued by the POS, or the POS parents.

I wouldn't have shot him, too easy. Plus, if he wasn't armed, that woulda lead to a prison sentance for your friend for sure. I would have broken more than his jaw though.
I dont think he will get sued these 4 kids have robbed 6 houses in the past week and did a home invasion saturday night holding guns to homeowners. And in Florida they passed the law where if you feel threatened for your life you can shoot. Plus cops were helping clean up glass and were telling him they would rather be mopping up blood.Then also reminded him "you know you had the right to protect yourself by shooting them". But he is a little nicer than me i guess. :)
Regardless what the LEO says, he's better off not having pulled the trigger. Forcefully detaining him was the wisest move.
Sounds to me like the little guy probably had to clean his britches after that. Tell your friend he did the right thing. If he would have shot him he would have had laundry to do and then clean up the blood:) stomping feels better anyway.
Great story. Tell him to be sure to civil suit all the involved. Little bastards. Not only did 2 get there ass beat now they have a breaking and entering and will be sued and have to pay for any damages that incurred. Did he get any cell phone vid of the little POS he caught running down the street? There wont be any case against him. Especially with the other invasions. The parents will be paying out their ass for years because of this and hopefully they will beat the balls off their little bastards so they cant reproduce.
saying they didnt know how big he was.
Nice. I hope that the stupid little bastard said that to the police too. Fvcking little coward pieces of chit. Just picked the wrong house a$$holes. See if you can find their names anywhere else and links to any forums and facebook/myspace profiles and post them up.
Bison i will they are still trying to find the other 2 kids. And he didnt get a chance to video anyone he said it happened so quick he didnt even think about stuff he should have done until afterwards. The cops are now trying to link all the other houses with these boys. They have 2 pairs of sandals from 2 different houses that they ran so fast there shoes flew off, and fingerprints at all the houses. Im gonna get all there names!
Bison i will they are still trying to find the other 2 kids. And he didnt get a chance to video anyone he said it happened so quick he didnt even think about stuff he should have done until afterwards. The cops are now trying to link all the other houses with these boys. They have 2 pairs of sandals from 2 different houses that they ran so fast there shoes flew off, and fingerprints at all the houses. Im gonna get all there names!

haha so these dumbasses were robbing houses in sandals:confused:
A florida cop once told me... " a dead man tells no tales" ;)

If someone enters my home, they risk their lives...

Glad to hear your friend caught them...
Great story! Did your buddy get his insurace up to date?:p. I'm confused did the lookout even see what hit him or did he just drop like a rock?
Lol i dont think he saw anything. He is good at keeping his mouth shut so far he hes been in jail for almost a week and he wont give up the names of his friends. Also he is sticking with his story of being in the wrong place at wrong time. He must have really got his bell rang with the story he had. He said he was driving down the canal stopped [behind my buddies house wich is out in boonies] heard a loud noise so went to see what it was and bam he gets knocked out for no reason.LMAO So we will see what happens this week he is being held on a bunch of other charges till they can get more evidence from one of the houses.
Lol i dont think he saw anything. He is good at keeping his mouth shut so far he hes been in jail for almost a week and he wont give up the names of his friends. Also he is sticking with his story of being in the wrong place at wrong time. He must have really got his bell rang with the story he had. He said he was driving down the canal stopped [behind my buddies house wich is out in boonies] heard a loud noise so went to see what it was and bam he gets knocked out for no reason.LMAO So we will see what happens this week he is being held on a bunch of other charges till they can get more evidence from one of the houses.

If that was here in Gainesville, FL the thief would be believed by our useless GPD, be out on the street in an hour and I would be in jail for assault.

Glad it worked out for the guy whose house was being robbed.
