Duttweiller Neck??

Thomas Gentilin

Apr 18, 2005
Has anyone done this upgrade? I assume the intercooler neck has to be cut, but how is the Dutt neck installed? Welding? Not an easy job! I'm thinking of a few possible problems............like the new neck has to be at the EXACT same Height and the same EXACT position or else the connecting hose will not line up!

Also, the weld has to be PERFECT.........not a single Pin hole!

Any input would be great. I might just go to an 18 row IC :rolleyes:

I have one and on any 12 sec. to mid 11 sec. car it's great...I dynoed it before and after on the same day and found 30 hp on pump gas...I'm sure that number goes up even further with every pound of boost you add.

If you have a quality welder in your area then the quality of the weld and placement shouldn't be a problem, but if you don't maybe you should consider picking up a entire intercooler used on one of the boards...Then you can sell yours to recoup some of the cost.
DC Tech can provide the parts, fabrication, and welding on your original IC :

The workmanship is excellent and the price is fair. That would be my suggestion.

When I had my IC done, they also included a silicone 2-to2.5" adapter hose, which typically costs another $20 if you buy it separate. Don't know if they still do that.

I just picked up an 87 GN with 56K on it.....basically stock. Do you guys think this is a decent improvement over stock? I read an older post that claimed that add'l Volume in the IC can actually cause a bit of lag? Any truth to that?

thanks for the Link !!

Thomas Gentilin said:
I read an older post that claimed that add'l Volume in the IC can actually cause a bit of lag? Any truth to that?

Can added volume in the intercooler ad lag?? Yes, BUT the difference in volume between the stock neck and the dutt neck isn't enough to make a difference, plus when you add in the fact that the dutt neck will flow air much easier then it should help spool.