E85 questions


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
I am a new member. I would like some help converting my 1986 Grand National to run on E85. I have been restoring my ride for some time now and I am ready to start working on drive train. I would like to be able to drive to the gas pump and fill up with 110 octaine fuel. I like making my own products and I can weld and machine and fab sheet metal. I hope that some people can help me get this E85 thing sorted out.
Check the E85 Section

I am a new member. I would like some help converting my 1986 Grand National to run on E85. I have been restoring my ride for some time now and I am ready to start working on drive train. I would like to be able to drive to the gas pump and fill up with 110 octaine fuel. I like making my own products and I can weld and machine and fab sheet metal. I hope that some people can help me get this E85 thing sorted out.

You need to put ~30% more fuel into the engine for E85 so you need bigger injectors and a chip to match the injectors. Check out Turbo Tweak for chips.

Check out the E85 section of the forum for MUCH more great details.

P.S. post your location in your details and you might just find another owner near by to help you out. ;)
you can get by with the stock stuff, but you really should order a chip/injector combo from Turbo Tweak and upgrade to a better fuel pump and a hot wire kit..
yes, that's all there is to it..