Emissions w/ Extender chip


Whistlin' on by. Wossshhh
May 29, 2001
I recently failed emissions blowing a 330ppm on hydrocarbons on a 220 limit at idle. I had sold my car about 6 months ago and recently got it back. I have an LS1 MAF/Translator and did have an extender chip in it. The person who had my car replaced the extender chip with one of Red's chips, but left the translator set to expect an extender chip. That's how the car was setup on my first attempt at inspection. After learning that, I now have another extender chip that I have not yet installed. I did take out Red's chip and put in a Joe Lubrant chip that passed emissions with no problems the last 2 years. I also set the translator for a "normal" chip. I did a search on this topic but couldn't seem to find it. Did someone (Turbodave maybe ?) mention that the extender chips were not good to go through emissions with for some reason ? I'm trying to figure out if I would be better off going through emissions with Joe's chip, then switching to the new extender chip. I know I'm running a bit rich because my BLMs are in the neighborhood of 110-115 @ idle. I'm also about to change plugs, fuel filter, and drop in a new O2 sensor just to clean things up a bit. Any other tips ?
Probably best to run Joe's chip as the Extender does not use EGR and it makes it difficult to pass emissions without it. I passed laste year with the Extnder but just barely. I am going to use my old Lubrant chip this time around. I found it worked best with the fp around 38-40 psi line-off for Joe's chip to get through emissions.
I set mine 2% lean at idle w/extender chip, idle BLM 128-133 after warm-up...passed no problem.

i passed NJ DMV emissions with surprisingly low results with my Extender Rev. D and T+/LS1 setup using a 3" new cat.


Gas ----- Standard ----- Reading
NOx -------- 1184 ---------- 408

HC ---------- 157 ---------- 21

CO% -------- 0.88 --------- 0.00

CO2%---------------------- 14.7
