Exclusive Video of new Mustang with turbocharger and VTEC ...............

That was one of the funniest videos that I have ever seen, the guy looking at the car must have been completely clueless when it comes to cars. The guy whol owned the car said some funny stuff to the guy looking at his car. Thanks for the video.

Um, can we say "Gag"? Funny though...we should do something like that at Bowling Green.
i got a video thats kinda like that exept the guy is being dead serios. if some one wants to host it i will sent it to them

Hey Vendor Defendor, can you make a link to that video you were talking about I would like to see it.


Cool, though if it is really big I don't think that it will go through, you could try if you want. Thanks in advance.

That guy's genius. How the hell could he keep a straight face through all of that!? I'm very impressed, I would've lost it about the time I tried to explain the "worn out turbo" being a different color. Poor guy that listened to it all...there's 5 min he'll never get back.
Hey Vendor Defendor, you have the "mark of the beast" as the # of posts! Hurry up and post something else! I am getting freaked out!:eek: :D

I'm crying I'm laughign so hard! The jet propulsion subwoofers!! ROFL :D
I know about the guys who put that on. Both guys were staged. Its was all made up.. The only people who wern't part of the act were the people walkin up.. lol
Yeah, it did seem staged. How would a guy that clueless be able to point out and ask what the "chrome throttle body" is for, yet know absolutely nothing about cars. Still it is pretty funny.