Finding southern regals?


New Member
Jul 15, 2001
I posted this in Cars for Sale:

I'm looking for a 1984-1987 n/a Regal for a project I want to start on. I don't care much about the shape of the drivetrain, but the body has to be immaculent (ie. no rust, dents, ect.) I would really prefer to get a southern car w/ the original paint, even if it's faded. I also want to stay away from t-tops. If anyone can help me out, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

But does anyone know of a good website to search for cars? Are there any dealers down there that are good to deal w/ as far as finding a certain car for their customers?

Thanks again.
Yeah, do a search under regals and you should find a plenty. Check the local junkyards and tell them to give you a call when a good one arrives.
Thanks for the suggestions. I've been checking, but it's hard to find those really good deals that are sitting in someone's front yard for sale on the internet. Guess all I can do is keep watching around.
I was picking up some fbody parts the other day,this guy had about 20cars in this lot(mostly TAs) and as I was leaving I looked out at all the cars and saw a the top of a white car with ttops. I thought It was a monte and I said "oh, you have a monte also",he said "no, its a t-type". we were both walking out so I didnt get a chance to check it out. the cars In CT.
Don't forget the local papers and just good ol driving around and looking for one in somebodys backyard. I have bought cars that people said they would never sell. They would call in a couple of months and tell me how the plans they had to make a race car,etc. is not going to happen. Be sure to remind them that a rustly POS will not bring the money so they only have a few months. :eek: I know of a GN sitting in the open rusting away for that last 4 years with only trans problems.
Thanks for the additional suggestions. As far as people letting cars rust out instead of selling them, I remember a guy had agreed to sell me his '79 Trans Am back when I was 15, but he called me that same night and said he changed his mind. It's still sitting under that pine tree to this day.