First time racer results..

Cool keep us posted!!! Hopefully weather was all good.. rained like hell where I am...Mike
We had some spitting earlier but it's very muggy. Bad air for a good run...
I wish my first time at the track would have netted a 13.

You're doing very well young man. Seat time and repetition on the line/working on your 60' times will net you 12's soon enough!

Whittle those 60 footer's down a little more after that, get the right fuel delivery system and step up the boost, BAM, 11's, though that "limited budget" will begin to stretch at this juncture...... :eek:

Well, they don't bother to get prep down for nights when there is a good chance of rain. The best prep is when there is a larger event on the weekend. They get Friday night prep good for that. Of course, Saturday and Sunday are always better than a night. Wednesdays they only prep tower side during the day for the track rentals so it's always better than the other side at night.
Well, I guess I'll try again next Saturday.. Couldn't make it today! Best run of the night was a 12.9 at like 91 MPH sliding sideways through the traps.. I literally couldn't even roll into it.. Once third hammered in, I was sideways. No big deal.
Well, I went to the track a couple weeks ago, so I thought I would update y'all.
1.9 60-ft
12.45 @ 110.68 MPH

I'm not satisfied.. I have been consulting with some people about some possible.... Upgrades :D.
The weather that night was less than ideal. You were sweating like crazy just changing your tires! That time not too bad considering that. What's next on the list? Oh, I saw your buddy's killer turbo LS for sale. That sucker was fast!
That's Awsome, I'd be pretty happy with anything in the 12's, hopefully I can get there by the end of the season, is there any plans for another test and tune cookout planned yet? I've been playin around with the powerlogger a bit but would like to learn the ins and outs from someone with experience...Mike
Thanks guys! It was seriously hot that night, so I'm sure I could do a lot better. Keep up the good work Mike, your car is doing great. Pronto, I wish I had the coin for that beast. I love that car. As for whats next... I'm thinking more fuel, better heads, more turbo, and a ptc n/l converter ;). 125 or bust? I think so :D

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I know. I want more =D. My new goal is 125 in the 1/4, while right now im good for 116-117. My car's a beast as is, but I'm just not satisfied completely. Bison is helping me out a lot on this, so it should come together nicely. Thanks again Bison!

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