Fixed Antenna


The Buick Manual CD Guy
Jun 26, 2001
I'm headed to the boneyard tomorrow to find a fixed antenna for the car. Can I only use the setup from the Regal or will any G-body work?
Pick me up one while your there I've been looking for one I really just need to break down and take trip one day. I believe the G body one should all work even though all the fenders are different. Not 100% on that but pretty sure. Hope you get good pickins.
Pick me up one while your there I've been looking for one I really just need to break down and take trip one day. I believe the G body one should all work even though all the fenders are different. Not 100% on that but pretty sure. Hope you get good pickins.

I have antennae from a mid 80's S-10 that looks really close. No guarantees since I have not tried to install.
Not to change the subject, but I just ordered one of your TR CDs. I cant believe I went this long without getting some sort of manual, but I have printed plenty of instructions form this site and its links. :cool:
I just got done putting a fixed antenna on my GN, sick of that power antenna always not working. I ordered a Euro style fixed antenna from a company called antenna_x. A little work was involved, but it looks and works great.
No Mast

I had a fixed mast antenna. When the windshield needed replacing, I asked for a windshield with the built in antenna. My radio reception didn't change and I got rid of that antenna on the fender.

Something to think about