Free Willie


4 Sale
Apr 18, 2005
Can't they just leave Willie Nelson alone. Dudes a 70 year old pot head, who's he going to hurt in the back of his tour bus with a pound and a half of weed and a few ounces of 'shrooms :rolleyes: :confused: :cool:

I know I'd need at least that to go to one of his concerts :cool:
Let's see, if there are 16 ounces in a pound, and 28 grams per ounce, and it takes 1/2 gram for a good high, that's 1,344 people Ol' Willie good have gotten high. Sounds like a dope dealer to me (not to mention the psycho shrooms). F**k him. I say let him eat asz in jail. :wink:
Nate Newton got caugth with 175 lbs and 213 lbs of the stuff, 6 weeks apart and he's still walking the street.

Willie will be fine.
If I cant smoke it, neither can he. Sorry, i really feel there should be no laws against smoking pot but just because he's a celebribity doesnt mean he's any different from me or you cruising around with that much!
The argument is silly. Those that think marijuana should be legal will say, "Save Willie." Those that think it should REMAIN illegal will say, "Throw him away and toss the key." However, it's still illegal, and until then... :wink:
Sounds like he should have had someone hold his stash.
SS_Sean said:
The argument is silly. Those that think marijuana should be legal will say, "Save Willie." Those that think it should REMAIN illegal will say, "Throw him away and toss the key." However, it's still illegal, and until then... :wink:

I haven't seen too many people take out a family of 6 while on weed. But alcohol is ok?? :rolleyes:

Doesn't seem to make sense to me.

The indians didn't hurt nobody with all the payote they used to do for their spritual dances. I wonder if he could get away with it saying it was for religious purposes..... I think he's part Indian?? Ain't he?? :biggrin:
Blaze said:

That's what I thought too, but since he lives in my town and my neighbors tell me what a great guy he is, I guess that doesn't matter.

He had two DUI arrests (one with an accident that injured peoiple) before the the two huge drug arrests, and yet he only got 2.5 years. I would have thrown away the key, but I hear he is a great guy :rolleyes:
Well, I've never met the man so I can't/wont go there, but actions speak louder than words :rolleyes:

I'm just an embarassed Cowboys fan for what Nate did. :eek: