Freeze-12 users....


Spongebob Squarecar
Oct 12, 2001
I still have r12, but every season it seems to get just a tad weaker. I'm concerned that when the temps go north of 90 degress this summer, I'm gonna start sweating.

Has anyone ADDED Freeze-12 to their existing r12 system?
How long ago?

The R-12 refrigerant is not the problem if it is not cooling good. Any other refrigerant will not do as good.
I lost all my r-12, so instead of switching to 134-a, I went ahead and whent with the freeze12.
Like Nick said, if its just not cooling it maybe other probs.
Either way, can't say I can tell the difference between r12 and freeze 12, they both cool about the same to me.
I think the pressure is just low. I've leaned on the hoses under he hood several times by accident and heard some release.

It cycles a few times on startup, but once it's all stablized, it runs fine, just not crisp cold.
i put some freeze12 in with my r12 last summer and it's still working good.

Newbie here to the refrigerant realm but what is the Freeze12 you guys are talking about? Can I buy it anywhere? Is it installed the same way as R12 (can of refrig added via hose?)?

My A/C doesn't cool as good as it used to and I don't want to spend performance money on comfort at this point so is this a good option for my stock A/C?
2-3 years ago I added Freeze 12 to my R12 to top it off. Worked great and no problems that I know of.
I understand about leaning on the air hose or moving the compressor out of the way prior to removing the engine.
Been there, done that.

freeze 12 is a "replacement" for r12 (for lack of a better term), it can be bought over the counter at some auto parts stores and it is put in the same as r12. I'm not an A/C guy either, but watching it being put in it was the same as r12. Quit a few different opinions about it, there have been a few past threads about it, both negative and positive.
There is a new substitute for R12 and that is R416A. You can get it from commercial air condition supply houses. It actually works better than R12 and keeps the head pressure down so your compresser oil won't burn out.

I used it on my Typhoon that had a week air system and it mixed with the R12 and is blowing cold.

I then un-converted the R134 in the GN went I went with a brand new compressor and this R416A. Now it blows cold where the R134 just barely got the job done.

Try it! You will like it.

Look it up on Google or at or

Good Luck!