Fuel pressure/regulator help!


New Member
Feb 9, 2004
I added an Accufab fuel regulator and a rail mounted pressure gauge. I couldn't get the schrader valve out, so I pulled the guts out, which should let the fuel flow right through it. Anyway I've tried two different rail mounted gauges and both read around 63lbs. pressure (I need 40lbs) and adjusting the regulator doesn't seem to do anything. It won't go up or down. Does anyone know what might be wrong here?
Should go lower. Of course pulling the gutz out of anything is not good, but I doubt you did any harm. Those little plastic guages often leak, so remove them after you get it all worked out, and replace schrader valve.

Unscrew the adjustment on top of FPR. Does fuel press. go down? If not, your return line may be clogged?? Take it off and blow into it.
You get 63 lbs on two different fuel pressure rail mounted gages with the vacuum line on or off?
pulling the guts out may allow flow, but the seat of the valve probly reduced the orifice size, causing a rise in pressure. :confused:
I have to agree w/ turbo2nr, an obstuction.
Ok, I'll check out the return. I think I may go ahead and replace the entire fuel rail because there's no way that schrader valve is coming out. The little block shaped piece the valve removal tool holds to unscrew it, busted off, so it's stuck in there.

pulling the guts out may allow flow, but the seat of the valve probly reduced the orifice size, causing a rise in pressure.

I wouldn't think that would make a difference because some rail attachments for gauges have a fitting that depresses the valve. I wouldn't think that would be a much higher pressure than the valve without the guts in it.
Rogue74 said:
Ok, I'll check out the return. I think I may go ahead and replace the entire fuel rail because there's no way that schrader valve is coming out. The little block shaped piece the valve removal tool holds to unscrew it, busted off, so it's stuck in there.

Consider trying an "easy-out". The Schrader valve is threaded in just like a (small) screw and the easy-out should work just fine.
I have a schrader valve tool, but because part of the valve busted off it wouldn't unscrew any more. The extractor end of the tool just smashed the valve against the inside of the rail so there's no way (that I know of) that it's coming out.
Rogue74 said:
I have a schrader valve tool, but because part of the valve busted off it wouldn't unscrew any more. The extractor end of the tool just smashed the valve against the inside of the rail so there's no way (that I know of) that it's coming out.
"If" you can grab any part of the valve with some "good quality needle nose pliers" ...... you can take the rail off the car, empty is completely (!) with some compressed air ........ and apply some heat (Not much or you may damage the seat) and see if it moves ....... heat is very often a good motivator for frozen parts. :D