Fuel pump won't run off key?


New Member
Jul 27, 2004
Started my 86 last week and it quit right away. Checked the fuel pressure and it was at 0, so jumped it across the hotwire relay and it started right up. There is voltage at the relay and it has a good ground but no voltage coming from the trigger to close the relay.
Replace the fuel pump relay on the PASSENGER side area near the map sensor.

Or varify where your hotwire gets it source, usually near the green tach lead on drivers side valve cover, there is a black connector that can act as a source to fire up the hotwire relay.

When you first turn on the key the ecm should run the pump for two seconds, then turn it off unless it is getting crank sensor pulses. So long as it gets cs pulses it runs the pump. You can do the paper clip on the top two right pins of the aldl connector and then with the key on it will run the pump continuously even when the engine isn't running, to check for the trigger signal.
Check the ECM connector pin that gives the fuel pump its prime. I'm not sure which pin it is but you can find the pinout on gnttype.org.

Sometimes the pins get corroded and won't run the pump when you turn the key on. A quick check would be to unplug and plug in both ECM connectors a couple of times. If that works, spray contact cleaner then apply dilelectric grease on the pins.

That worked for me.