Full Throttle Speed - Please Read

Mike Licht

I was here first
May 23, 2001
As some of you know I have been going through some family illness with my aunt and uncle which are like parents to me. They have no children and I have no siblings so it is on me to take care of them, a task I do with no regrets. In a tragic twist of fate it appears that they are both at the end of their respective illnesses and will pass in hours to days. Quite likely together, although they are in different hospitals. As a result Marianne and I will not be in the office much in the coming days, Paul will be in to answer the phones but he cannot answer all the questions you will have to please cut him some slack. Please direct tech support to Full Throttle Tech my friend Bob Bailey is helping out and answering question there, as am I, as time and access permits. Although this is a sad time, they lived a great life together and had much to celebrate. My uncle was a world champion handball player. If your are interested check the USHA website and search his name, Jim Golden, along with his many state, national and world championships he is one of very few players to receive the status of Grand Master in the handball hall of fame and get the sweater that goes with that. To receive that you must win 10 National Masters championships, no small feat. My aunt is my mentor, a powerfull business women that moved through the ranks of GM's excutive levels at a time when there was no women there, she blazed a trail for other women to move up in the corporation, many times fighting for them, helping them through the process. There was a time when she was the highest ranking women in the corporation with a staff larger than many small companies. To her dismay I walked away from a very good job there when I was young (she was head of all salaried personal for the corporation at that itme) to follow my dreams of Cars and Business. She did not approve but through it all she always supported me, guided me, helped me and often reminded me that I took the hard road but always reminded me how proud she was of what Marianne and I had accomplished. I am very grateful to them for eveything and will miss them.

Hopefully things will be back to normal here soon and we will be able to get back to business. Thank you in advance for your understanding and thank you to the people who have shared their condolences and kind words to us already.
Mike Licht
You are a good man.

It sounds like you had some great people in your life to help make you the person you are today. Give thanks for that, it is a true gift. You will be rewarded for taking care of those who have done so much to better your life. Keeping your family in our prayers.
Sorry for your loss Mike and Marianne. It sounds like they were both amazing people and great role models. And by the way, you're a good man Mike.
Hang in there Mike went through something similar in October remember our God understands our tough times I will be praying for you.
Sorry to hear about the loss. You have everyone's support. Your customers will be here when you get back!
Sorry for what you are going through. It sounds like your aunt and uncle both led full, active lives and that you will have many positive memories.

You have always been a help for me and I thank you. Know you and yours our in my prayers.

God bless you and your family in this trying time, Mike.. You have our prayers as well
Shane, this needs to be posted where more people will see it. A temporary sticky maybe???(Advertiser section, Feedback, Etc..) I dont want anymore of these negative threads started by impatient people who call one of our vendors and dont get help in the first 5 seconds.:rolleyes: I know alot of people read the Turbo Lounge but you know someone is gonna miss this thread and say "Hey I called FTS and nobody returned my call". Just my 2 cents... I hate vendor bashers.:mad:

Mike, I am sorry for your loss take care.

Mike, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I know some of what your feeling. I lost my only Grandpa this past fall and I thought the world of him. Its a hard thing to go threw, but stay strong and remember them for the best qualities and good times.

Mike I'm sorry to hear this news, Our prayers will be with you and your family and if there is anything I can do to help you please don't hesitate to ask. I would be more than happy to help.

Your friend, Scot W.
Sorry to hear Mike, I think its so great that you are taking time to spend with them. I know they must really appreciate the time they are sharing and the comfort you must bring to them. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family Mike.

Steve Pitts
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during these tough times. Stay strong and know that we are all here for you. And yes, you are a good man for everything you do, not only for us as customers, but also for family.

May the Good Lord be with you and your family during these hard times.

Patrick Rubio
HAte to hear the news and your outlook is great and sounds as though they have been a blessing to you and yours. You are in my familys prayers