Gas Price Check

I know we have some of the lowest prices in the country, but we're still at $1.75 for 93 in the Atlanta area.
2.40 for 94 octane down here at sunoco on cape cod. what the hell is going on??
Last nite, 93 octane = $1.79
This morning, same station = $1.71

The previous week I was paying $1.57:confused:
Paid $1.92 at Texaco (they suck) and $1.78 at Wawa. Damn, I picked the right time to buy a car that needs premium. :rolleyes:

Regular was $1.14 midway through last week at Wawa, now it's like $1.63.

It has been stated that due to a pipeline shutdown in Arizona and the power blackout in the East Coast (wait - make that Eastern half of the US and Canada), oil distribution prices have shot up. Not my words...just what I heard on the radio.

92 octane in Columbus, OH = 1.99/gallon
And it is being said by me, not that I matter, or are knowledgable about the subject, that this is all bullshiff, and that gas goes up every holiday or 3 day weekend, regardless of anything else tha matters. Remember that this started out years back going up in the summertime only, and then spread out to include more and more holiday seasons. Eventually, it will go up for some disclosed reason over some holiday or 3 day weekend, and then never come back down. I personally believe, unfortunately, that a lot of this has to do with the station owners also. I paid $ 2.18 for premium ( 91 oct sic ) this morning at the lowest place that I could find.
Originally posted by Wells
And it is being said by me, not that I matter, or are knowledgable about the subject, that this is all bullshiff, and that gas goes up every holiday or 3 day weekend, regardless of anything else tha matters. Remember that this started out years back going up in the summertime only, and then spread out to include more and more holiday seasons. Eventually, it will go up for some disclosed reason over some holiday or 3 day weekend, and then never come back down. I personally believe, unfortunately, that a lot of this has to do with the station owners also. I paid $ 1.18 for premium ( 91 oct sic ) this morning at the lowest place that I could find.

Please please tell me were you paid $1.18 for 91 oct. I live in Orange and i have to pay $2.25 for 91 oct.
We take over the country that has one of the biggest oil reserves in the world, and our gas prices go up.

The prices slowly go up (for some made up bull**** reason), then they fall back down, but not to where they were before. It's just another way oil companies, and our government fug us.

I better edit this a bit...

All these greedy **cksu**ing oil-baron ***holes have to do is say the words "cutting production" and they can pay off their yacht's & Switzerland summer homes....and if some tiny unforseen inconvenience should arise - say, a broken pipeline and/or the power goes out someplace for a few hours - oh my gawd, PARTY TIME!!!

To quote Hank on Larry Sanders:

BUNCHA F***ERS!! :mad::mad::mad:

(almost quote anyway)