Gbody's site down?

Yeah it's not loading for me either. They probably took a day or two off for the holiday and nobody is there to notice right now.
yup its been down for atleast 30 hours now. they wont be back till the end of the new year
prolly to keep people from placing orders online, while they are out for the holidays, if i had to guess
I spoke to Brian today he told me to look something up on his site so I assume it shouldn't be down.
If he has any brains- He is taking a family time off till after the new year. After that big move and pulling 23 hour days getting the Giveaway car ready, I think they surely not only deserve it, but should be forced to take a vacation if not already in the works!! It would probably be a good thing if the kids got to spend dome quality time with Mom and Dad !! :eek: Happy New Year Weavy's !! Love Ya!! :biggrin: