
GNless but Debtfree too!
May 24, 2001
Well - after 5 years I've sold the GN. Thx to the guys at Ron's Custom Auto for all their help over the years. I know the new owner will continue to take the beast there.

I'm going to continue to visit here as I still love the conversations that occur in the Lounge. I also want to thank everyone for all the help that you've given over the years here - it is appreciated.

_BOB Mantz


You've always been a consistently community-minded boardmember, and you & your posts would be missed!

We understand about the car, but do keep on "hanging" with us, bud! :)
Many of us think about selling.........

But why did you if you don't mind me asking? If you do mind I understand and we'll see ya' around. Does Mercury Marine still have their training facility in Cranbury? Drew

Originally posted by Two Lane

You've always been a consistently community-minded boardmember, and you & your posts would be missed!

We understand about the car, but do keep on "hanging" with us, bud! :)

Thank you. You too have been great to the community. Heck, anyone with links to the FTC in their sig has to be, right?

Thx again,

Re: Many of us think about selling.........

Originally posted by Drew L
But why did you if you don't mind me asking? If you do mind I understand and we'll see ya' around. Does Mercury Marine still have their training facility in Cranbury? Drew

Drew, Mercury Marine is still in Cranbury.

Why? A) I would only have the car worked on by Paul at Ron's Custom Auto. So that entalled an hour drive to drop it off - rides home and then back to pick it up, etc.

B) Tired of all the money going out the window! The rebuild was the icing. I had purchased a second car last year so I was driving that (91 accord) every day and realized that I didn't miss the GN. Sad but true. Guess I got lucky and was able to experience 'not having' a GN while I still had one - if that makes any sense.

Re: Re: Many of us think about selling.........

Originally posted by gnXfan
was able to experience 'not having' a GN while I still had one - if that makes any sense.


BOB, That makes perfect sense to me. :) but then I am weird.

I feel the same way. I am so use to my daily driver that
it is hard to muster up excitment about pulling the GN out of the garage because

I HATE taking it to work,
I HATE backing out the other cars,
I HATE leaving it parked alone,
I HATE leaving it when at cruise nights.

I LIKE when my son pleads with me to drive it.
So if I run errands like Pizza or post office
I leave him in the car as the security gaurd.

I LIKE the turbo feel.
Re: Re: Re: Many of us think about selling.........

Originally posted by littlesixsteve
BOB, That makes perfect sense to me. :) but then I am weird.

I feel the same way. I am so use to my daily driver that
it is hard to muster up excitment about pulling the GN out of the garage because

I HATE taking it to work,
I HATE backing out the other cars,
I HATE leaving it parked alone,
I HATE leaving it when at cruise nights.

I LIKE when my son pleads with me to drive it.
So if I run errands like Pizza or post office
I leave him in the car as the security gaurd.

I LIKE the turbo feel.

You summed this up perfectly. My garage is in the back of my complex - so through in having to walk an 1/8th of a mile to get to the car, backing it out (if someone isn't blocking the exit in the fire lane...) after taking the battery charger off.
It's a Love / Hate relationship!

Bob, I respect your decision about the GN.

I'm constantly pondering the decision to climb back into one after a 10 year abscence (my original-owner '86 GN was stolen in 1993).

Good luck in your future car endeavors and stick around the BB.
Re: It's a Love / Hate relationship!

Originally posted by troGNman
Bob, I respect your decision about the GN.

I'm constantly pondering the decision to climb back into one after a 10 year abscence (my original-owner '86 GN was stolen in 1993).

Good luck in your future car endeavors and stick around the BB.

Thx Chuck. ALready looking at convertibles....:)