GoFundMe for Ashley Gibson memorial


Retired member
Mar 21, 2004
I have known Ashley and her family for several years. They are hard working people who are just trying to get by. Who isn't, right? I actually met them because they approached me when I was parking my 87 dark red TR in a Walgreens parking lot. They wanted info on my car as they really liked it. Well, Ashley was in the wrong place at the wrong time on Sunday April 17, 2016. She was at a party in Champaign, IL. Full details have not been made public yet but at some point she was beaten to death with a sledgehammer, and her body was possibly set on fire. Her body was then put in a plastic tub and dumped in a lake 45 miles away. Four people are in custody. Ashley would not have hurt a fly. She was only 24 years old with two little children depending on her. I saw her mom today and she is having a real hard time. She was supposed to go to the coroner's office to identify the body today, as it was missing for a week and just pulled from the lake yesterday. Anyway if anyone would like to donate a few bucks that would be great. Thanks for reading. https://www.gofundme.com/2ecx3yxs
Its at $290 now. Lets get it up to $1000 and show the family that the Buick community cares.
I worked with the murderer's mother for 10 years. I don't have anything good to say about that family. Let's not let the bad guys win.
I sure hope someone in the clink beats that a**hole to death with a sledgehammer.