Grand National Colors?



I'm totally new when it comes to GN's I'm looking at having a GN as my future project car. I thought it'd be pretty fun working on another type of car other than my mustang.

A friend of mine (another mustang owner) told me that GN's came in a wide variety of colors other then black. He wanted to bet me, but since I'm new to GN's I didn't. I thought they were only produced in the color black. I thought that T-types were the ones that came in other colors? Are they the same cars? I thought that they weren't. If I'm right, what's the difference between the t-type and GN?


CHP 347 Stroked-R302 Block
Paxton Novi 2000 Blown
all GN's were black........turbo Regals, be they t-types, WE4, etc had the same drivetrain and suspension as a GN
First year for the GN was 82. They were not black.

I "think" all GN years after that were black.

T-Types and Turbo-T's came in different colors and had the same drivetrain.

Some say the T's are slightly faster in stock form over the same GN because they generally were less equipped.

If you get a TR, get an 86 or 87 and be prepared to have fun!

82 was the only year non-black right? wasn't it like a two-tone grey?

other than that they came FACTORY black, of course that can be changed if the owner so chooses

As Mr. Henry Ford said for his Model T:

"You can have any color that you want, as long as its black"

Quote Holds true for the GN's as well.