Guys at the bar


New Member
Jan 18, 2003
From my experience with drunk guys at the bar I find the only thing they are looking for is sex, not a relationship, or friendship just a one nighter. Since most of you are guys maybe you can tell me if I am right??
I am not a bar guy and dont frequent them very much and for the most part i dont drink unless i am at home with a bottle of wine and a nice girl to share it with, but i would say you are almost 90% right about your comment, unless you find them at a sportsbar with a bunch of friends watching a game or just having a few drinks, lets just say i dont pick up girl from bars etheir cuz you never know where they been or who they been with. :)
I was going to respond to this thread by saying that guys are not always like that at bars. But last night I went out to one of the more crowded clubs here with my g/f and her sister. The way these guys act is simply amazing. Granted, this is in Germany and culture is different. But it still amazes me how stupid guys act in a club.

In defense of the guys though, I tend to think a lot of these girls are indeed looking for the same thing. Sex and that's it. I guess that's why these clubs are called 'meat markets'.

That's why I'm glad I have found a club that I can go to every week, for the most part, girls are going to be treated better then meat and my girlfriend and I can enjoy time together.

So, to answer your question.. yes, many guys are looking for one nighters. Not necessarily anything wrong with that. If that's what you like, all the power to ya. But there are guys who are actually looking for relationships and to treat a woman with respect.
ummmmmmmm well I don't want to get into this too much but I will venture to say that most guys out there are out to play and I'm talking guys around my age (because let's face's HARD these days to settle down so early)

I'm not saying I am like this...I'm actually single right now looking for the "right" girl...but the consensus is yes most guys out there are just there to play around...

but of course this works both ways don't forget! lots of girls that love to play around as just all depends on how lucky (or unlucky) you are...but then it depends on what bars you go to???

I don't think going to the bars is much like it used to be where you probably went to "hook up" with someone...nowadays it's like previously's a meat market in most cases...

just my 2 pennies I guess...:)
If you find a guy in a bar thats not looking for sex then hes just passed out, wait till he wakes up....or hes there with his boyfriend :eek: .
well why else do you goto bars?from my experience it seems drunk girls at bars are looking for the same thing.:D
hey so how old are you?:D

i got a 12 pack, you wanna come over?:D

just kidding, you are right, most dudes in bars go there to try to find some tail.
I guess it depends on the place, and who frequents it.
In this town, there isnt a lot to do except go to the bars. Its the "thing" to do here. Usually the groups come in and maybe one of the guys will be after something specific, the rest of the group just hangs out. The way I see it, its a peer pressure thing, at least at my age. Im just not the type of guy to go out looking for one nighters, but I end up getting dragged along with some buddies that are.

I dont think the bars are for one nighters as much as the clubs are. The bars here are more for relaxing and meeting friends, playing pool, and if you happen to catch someones eye, then whatever happens....
But the clubs are more about hooking up with someone. I mean, its not like you have meaningful discussions with that music going. You go in there with a purpose, and it obviously isnt to relax.
Just my observations here. We have 2 major and 1 minor college here in town, and the bar scene/clubs are the main off-campus focus.
Originally posted by GreatestBuick
From my experience with drunk guys at the bar I find the only thing they are looking for is sex, not a relationship, or friendship just a one nighter. Since most of you are guys maybe you can tell me if I am right??

that depends, i once caught my x-girlfriend of 2 years in a park with her old boyfriend ( i was working when a buddy of mine called me over) when i asked her what she did that day she lie'd to me of-corse, so i had no one to go get a drink with so i went to a bar got really hammered, but there was a woman who i don't know how but she knew more or less why i was drinking, she pick-ed me up took me home ( her house) and we date'ed for about 2yrs, and we're still good friends today. this happened when i was 20-21, i'm 33 now i figure that happens to every guy maybe ?
No disrespect towards the womans question but what do you really expect !!! If your interacting with a guy thats drunk, of coarse he's going to make a play. But like was stated above, generaly bars are for drinking and hanging out. If there's a chance for some action, that's cool too ! The club scene is a different story.....more times than not, we are on the hunt !! But hey........that's human nature. Add booze to the equation then it can get crazy and sometimes out of hand. There are good drunks and then there are bad drunks. But a drunk is a drunk no matter what he does. Something to think about next time !
MY .02 worth.