

Mar 25, 2003
Where can i get an inexpensive open faced helmet that is track legal? I sold my bike and helmet so I need something. Id really like the open face if that is legal. Thanks
Thats exactly what I was looking for but a little cheaper. I doubt I can find one any cheaper thou. I only race once or twice a year thats why I am being cheap. lol. I know its my head Im protecting thou.
I'm not certain, but I think I read somewhere that in 2007 at NHRA tracks you must use a full face covered helmet.
After I posted the question I thought about that. Does anybody know for sure. I plan on racing at a very strict track that wont let anything slide.
Spend the money and get a full face. Imagine hitting your head on the steering after hitting the wall at 100. Good bye teeth, jaw, and nose!

im not sure if its an NHRA rule now but the 1/8th mile track here just recently made it so that you could not use open face helmets. I had to get a new one. So maybe there is a new rule
Believe it or not, I got mine used off Ebay for $32 shipped. It is a full face. A little disinfectant and polishing, looks new.
Try your local Motorcycle shop. They sell Snell aproved and DOT aproved helmets. I just bought my sons, full face snell 2005, for $80.
Helmetcity.com is a good place to look with some good prices.

Also don't confuse DOT approved with Snell. There not the same. NHRA will except only the Snell or helmets with SFI approval. If there going to check them DOT approval is not in the rule book.

You might also check your track. I don't remember seeing any rule change having to go to a full face helmet in the National Dragster since I got the 2006 NHRA rule book. I'll look again this week when I get this weeks National Dragster. They have a section on rule changes after the 2006 rule book was issued.

Good luck and be safe.
Im just gonna get the full face, I dont want to buy another one for awhile. Thanks for all the help.
Hey my 4 Wheeler helmet is full faced and snell 2000 approved this will work right? My snowmobile helmet just says DOT.
Hey my 4 Wheeler helmet is full faced and snell 2000 approved this will work right? My snowmobile helmet just says DOT.

Yes the Snell 2000 helmet is good until 01/01/2012. The DOT is not legal for NHRA racing. Don't confuse this with a Snell rated helmet that is also DOT approved. As long as the Snell lable is on it your good to go. Snell 95 expire 01/01/2007. Anything with a lower Snell number has already expired.