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Here we go again, gas


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Scrambled Dog
Aug 26, 2013
gas is down to 2.05 in SC for reg. 2.32 for 93 octane. What's going on where you live?
And here I thought you forgot to take your beeno, Ray.:ROFLMAO: Last week it was 2.52 per gallon here. Price wars have been breaking out in some areas. I think the gas companies are about to reveal how much they've actually been scamming of the public.:eek:
And here I thought you forgot to take your beeno, Ray.:ROFLMAO: Last week it was 2.52 per gallon here. Price wars have been breaking out in some areas. I think the gas companies are about to reveal how much they've actually been scamming of the public.:eek:

Good to hear from you, hope you are well
In MN this week 87 was 2.70 91 octane was 2.98 there isn't 93 octane available in my area you must make your own. Gas rose about 5 cents last week.
~4.25 around the corner from me for 92. (Garden Grove, CA)
In MN this week 87 was 2.70 91 octane was 2.98 there isn't 93 octane available in my area you must make your own. Gas rose about 5 cents last week.

gas has been steadily sliding downward in my corner of MN for a while now... i think it's in the $2.56 range now, but i don't really pay that much attention since i live 7 miles from work and only fill my truck every 3 weeks or so and my Camaro every couple weeks.
Bought 87 in Atlanta, yesterday+ $2.34.9.. Saw some at <than $2.32.
The economy in Houston is about to take a major hit with the gas prices. The low gas prices are nice . . . But it also puts people here out of work.
We are still in the 2.45 range for regular and deisel is 2.37

The economy in Houston is about to take a major hit with the gas prices. The low gas prices are nice . . . But it also puts people here out of work.

Yep. My bud's kid just got canned from a $250K deal, when they shut down a W. Africa project...
Still 2.69 for 87 octane here even one station on the interstate is 2.79. It is Sturgis time and we are located on I-90 so there could be some price gouging!
With the futures in the $1.65 region we will see $2.00 sooner than latter. Puts people out of work all over Texas.

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