high oil pressure


May 25, 2001
got a customers gn, the oil pressure is about 70 psi when you first start it and it will stay at around 50 at idle when warm, it think this is way too high , when you floor it , it hits almost 80 psi,

he said he had a high pressure oil spring installed, could this be the problem?
any help is appreciated
My car is the same way. Now if I run it real hard my oil pressure drops down to 22 PSI but you have get up there in temperature and let it heat-soak. Not likely a spring issue so I wouldn't be alarmed.
problem is the oil pressure never drops below 50 psi no matter what, i always seen these cars idle at *30,
it just seems too much, dont know?
yes , its always done this,from what he tells me, i guess its better than low oil pressure, but i would think that all that oil pressure is draging the engine from spinning smoothly?