home brew cold air box, who made this?


The Green BEAST
Oct 18, 2001
Well I was at TTIV, and saw this home brew set up. Its a really good idea for a set up like mine.

http://www.xprt.net/~volvoman/Pics/car/cold air box/cold air box.JPG

The only problem I am running into I can not find the abs roof jack plate that this person used. If you know who made this or where I can get that plastic roof jack mount let me know.

Oh by the way I just Picked up some 009s and three chips for $200 shipped with less than 1500 miles on them.

All I need now is a TE-44 or TA-49

I know , my car is not running yet, but I wont have to go buy parts when I am ready to upgrade:D

Thanks for any info