How bad do pre-turbo exhaust leaks hurt horsepower?

Some people just want to watch the world burn.

And I'm one of them, I say let them duke it out!! :) I'll probably learn something in the process. ;)
I would agree if it was a real "fight". But like Tim Allen said....

"Racing cars is like having sex, all guys think they're great at it."
The topic has been lost here.... Pre-turbo exhaust leaks only hurt spool up, if the car can make the boost target.... U are not losing any HP..... If the leak is large enough.... The boost will come down.... And so will power. In our case, it made the boost we asked for.... It just didn't pick up MPH when we cut the boost up. My money is now on the converter....
I recommend taking the money OFF of the converter. I won't do you any good just sitting there. Maybe use it to buy a new one. Just a suggestion.

Sorry...middle of a mid-shift for me and I am bored off my butt. There are NO submarine operations right now that require my attention!

I wasn't even expecting this string of shifts since I transfer to a new command next Friday and thought I was done with the mids....but alas that was not so. So now I am entertaining myself at the expense of the board! :)
i can neither confirm nor deny ...... i just got out of the navy Jan 2011 best day ever. No sub for me I was on a torpedo sponge, Frigate (FFG)