How Do You Finance Your Hobby?

Sep 30, 2005
Are you fortunate enough to have a 9-5 job that offers enough disposable income to dump many thousands $$ into an engine build, chassis/suspension parts, paint, the latest whiz bang gadget, etc. just to have fun?

Or do you create your disposable income in other ways outside of your 9-5 job? What do you do?

I'm looking for ideas. If I don't do something my car is doomed to remain the slowest race-fueled turbo car ever.
I have a small fab shop at home that I work in on nights and weekends. I build headers, do chassis work and make odd parts for locals and guys on here to fund my car. But even with that, I still have to search for good deals on used parts to make things happen.
I pay with funds I actually have. I don't carry credit card balances. It's all about being responsible. If you work a 9-5 job and actually make enough $ to enjoy an expensive hobby like this then you are one of the few. Almost everyone I know that has a car that has that wow factor in one way or another works beyond their normal day job to not disrupt net worth. If youre acquiring increased debt load because of you're hobby you are foolish. Unfortunately most of America lives that way because they think they need a bunch of chit they don't really need. If you only make $100k then you shouldn't be spending $110k. Sadly those I know that are 50 years of age or less that typically make more $ seem to have less net worth and some are in deep debt. I guess by the time they are 50 they realize that they better get their chit straight or they will die working. Those that have low income seem to have less debt load and stress. I haven't sat down and watched a TV where I live in over 4 years. It's a waste of time. If you want to get an advantage in society you aren't going to get it by watching TV 2 hours a day. That said I've been known to work on cars every now and then and buy and sell a few used cars here and there. My monthly expenses are covered in less than 10 days of work. I'm never waiting for my pay check. Im waiting for all the money owed to me to get paid back though.
I do side work. My main job is low voltage electric such as security, cctv, etc.
My whole racing budget is made from that (used to work on cars on the side but I am not fast enough to make money at it.)
Unfortunately, My side work has turned into a legit business in my wife's name. So I am going to have to find something new now. Maybe sell some semen and blood? Lol. Actually, I've been doing some subcontract work for a previous employer and have been using that to pay for my addiction. I don't own a credit card, everything is cash. My wife runs the books at home, so I can't even sneak money out of our accounts.
Prostitution here as welll.......I have a ring of hoes that sell leg and crack rock for my Buick fund...HA

Reality........I have a very small allotment outta my check for some slush(that I use for car stuff, extra bs stuff around the house, etc etc), saved a lil of the extra I made from per diem/lodging left over from extended business trips in the last few years, sell a few parts here and there and of course before I moved to MN made a few bucks wrenching on the side.

Just prorities, patients and self control really and thats easier said than done,when you get spanked by whoever and get pissed and frustrated and want to sell both kidneys and liver to get money/parts/engine/etc and be faster. I remember that being a tough mental battle when I was younger and street racing alot LOL!

Marriage, employment, kids, etc will change/give and take/alter your life and postpone alot of goals and such.
Divorced and started over again 8 years ago with zero dollars at 50. Then I got the turbo bug, but funny I think this is costing me less than the wimmin cause I have some money in the bank, a fast T Type and no debt other than my townhome but in 22 more years it will be all mine! LOL!!!!!
I am a boat captain and I live on the boat 11 months out of the year, on the job 24/7, but out of the country all living expenses are paid and this lets me save for the Buick. :D
I live simple, don't go out and spend money at the bars anymore. I do all of my own work except for building transmissions. Most of my parts are used, knowing what to look for saves alot of money. I bought alot of basket case cars, and parted them out, but that isn't really worth doing anymore, no buyers. I was stupid in my early 20's, and got in deep debt with my Harley's. Pulled my way out of it, now my 9 to 5 pays for most of my hobby. I used to do custom paint work on bikes, but that has died out. Seasonal cars and bikes have really taken a back seat in my area, so people are spending less and less on them. I do work on other people's cars, but that has turned into a hobby, I usually never charge a local TB owner, I want all of the TB's in my area to run right, to show the local Mustang and Camaro crowd what these cars are all about.
Alot of money can be saved building a car by learning and doing your own work. I am an auto body technician by day, hate to do it at night, but don't mind doing some mechanical, head/intake porting, etc afterwards.
I guess I'm among the lucky few...but I have a super stressful job, and work a ton of I deserve it dang it! lol
I try to live modestly & I sell small pieces of Dry-Wall on the corner as Crack. Never work the same corner twice.

I guess I'm among the lucky few...but I have a super stressful job, and work a ton of I deserve it dang it! lol

Lets see... You own a TR, your smokin' hot, plus you have a good job. How many marriage proposols do you turn down weekly?

I work as a mechanic and still do side jobs to get $$. Being a single father of two girls and living in the bay area I calculate I will finish at least one of my projects by the time Im ready to retire at 85 years old. :(
Lining up priorities and self control is how I get bye. I also bargain shop my a$$ off. For example, I was in the market for a new ignition module but didnt have the extra 100 bucks or so laying around, so I decided to go to the junkyard and upgraded to Type II ignition module and coils for a whopping 25 bucks with my military discount. Always looking for a bargain is how I roll!
My 9-5 is all for me with some OT for bigger ticket items, but my wife makes the same as me cause she's a GM electrician also !!
I sell my sperm to my wife . :D

I actually took a big gamble back in the 80's with real estate when I was young and everyone thought I was crazy . and I was VERY fortunate/VERY lucky it paid off . That and a few years in the middle of nowhere on the Trans Canada Pipeline allows me to mess around with cars and still give my family a nice decent life . :)
I have been funding my car by working a lot of overtime. I've got until August to finish my new motor as my oldest starts college.
Prostitution is not where the money is at.

Now pimpin is where the money is at, low cost resources, high return on investment and an all cash clientel

Actually I run my own small performance shop and that is where I make my extra cash for the things I like.

My wife and I actually have decent jobs and so we have the disposable cash. To be honest with you since we live modestly, have no children I spend more in taxes than I get to spend on my car so I am trying to see what I can write off on the buisness so I can keep some of that money invested in the car rather than our looser government we have.