How to piss off the neighbors


May 29, 2001

My neighbor certainly didn't appreciate me doing this in my GN in front of their house...but I sure did:cool:
Reminds me of a calling card I left on a friends driveway. It was still there three years later when he moved.:D
A friend asked me to leave him some good luck rubber in his driveway to ward off those evil ricers. It has worked so far, 2 years and no fart can displays of power!!!!
The best part is when she ran over to yell at me after I parked - and while the white smoke was still rising over her yard - she screams, "what the hell are you doing?" I just laughed and went inside. Now I've proved to her that I really am that dirthead guy who likes to work on cars in my garage. I have successfully destroyed her perception that she lives in some yuppie hood.:D

LOL ;) Was She more pissed off about the safety of others or was it just the environment? Lou Czarnota did one like that in front of my place 1yr ago its still there. :D
I live on a cul-de-sac in a quiet retired neighborhood. The neighbors hate my drag car. I would pay someone GOOD money to come lay some scratch down!!!:biggrin:
Nice Marks!!
I can't do that up here... I know alot of the guys on the police force.
Hell, they even occasionally sit in the driveway to my shop (with my permission, of course)--at least I know no one will be messing with the GN while there around!! :biggrin:
Nice :D , I used to do that until someone on the township board moved next to me.
lol i sold my H/C/I trans am to my friend who was standing next to the car with the old tires on it and i told him ill pay for the new tires if i get to burn the old ones off..

it came down to this right on front of my house standing on my lawn videoing it

YouTube - Daggone LS1