I'm one sore SOB!!!


It's just a V6 Brick.....
Sep 20, 2001
I haven't lifted weights in about 6 months and this week I decided to start lifting again..... I did some bench, curls, and a few other upper body exercises with the machine (it's not free weights, but it does a pretty good job) that we have with what I would consider lighter weight (on the bench I did 3 sets of 10 reps with 210lbs, with curls I did 1 set of 40lbs with 10 reps, 1 set of 50lbs with 10 reps, and 1 set of 60lbs with 10 reps) on Tuesday and yesterday..... I also did some tricep pull-downs, but I think I'm done for this week cause my muscles feel like they are going to pop:eek:

Anybody else out there been slackin' and started back??
Way to go! Good to see you starting back. Pain, while a PITA :D is an indicator that you've worked the muscle. Give your body a few days off to recoup and then hit it hard again. I usually go 4 days a week now that I'm back in school fulltime and do a different body part each trip. Biceps/triceps first day the shoulders and traps the next then chest the next. Move on to back and then finish with legs. Usually do abs every trip and finish with 20 minutes of cardio. Been doing this for almost a year now and love it. Best thing I ever did for myself.

Previous owner of a schweet 86 T-Type
Now: 95 Eagle Talon TSi
I love being sore after trips to the gym. Lets me know that I have really worked the muscles. If I ain't sore, I feel as if I haven't work the muscles hard enough.:D Just know the difference between sore and actual pain from something not being right. Rest them muscles, best thing you can do for them right now. Shock em again in 2-3 days:eek: till you are back in the swing of things.
Originally posted by OneQuikV6
Way to go! Good to see you starting back. Pain, while a PITA :D is an indicator that you've worked the muscle. Give your body a few days off to recoup and then hit it hard again. I usually go 4 days a week now that I'm back in school fulltime and do a different body part each trip. Biceps/triceps first day the shoulders and traps the next then chest the next. Move on to back and then finish with legs. Usually do abs every trip and finish with 20 minutes of cardio. Been doing this for almost a year now and love it. Best thing I ever did for myself.

Previous owner of a schweet 86 T-Type
Now: 95 Eagle Talon TSi

Sounds like you got a good workout plan...... I need to also do some cardio as well as some situps for my abs (need to lose this gut)..... Tomorrow I'll probably just work on my legs and give my upper body a few days to recoup as you said..... I know once I get through the first couple weeks of pain and soreness I'll be feeling much better:) :cool:
Originally posted by darb
I love being sore after trips to the gym. Lets me know that I have really worked the muscles. If I ain't sore, I feel as if I haven't work the muscles hard enough.:D Just know the difference between sore and actual pain from something not being right. Rest them muscles, best thing you can do for them right now. Shock em again in 2-3 days:eek: till you are back in the swing of things.

Being a little sore after working out is cool, but I think right now I'm really sore cause I haven't lifted weights in such a long time..... When I was in shape I just felt so much better (always seemed to have more energy and I even was sleeping better at night) so I know it's a good idea to get back in shape!
I've been slacking a lot lately, with all the crap going on in my life, but I went last week after about 2 or 3 weeks off. I figured I would have been weaker, but I did my previous workout and didn't feel like I was straining much. A couple of lifts were tougher than normal, but most seemed too easy. Weird. I curl 100 lbs. on the machine, and I really thought it was going to kill me, but when I did it, it seemed so easy I did 4 sets of 10 instead of my normal three. I wish I had a friend to go with to help keep me on track, but my friends are too lazy and cheap to join a gym. Sometimes its kinda hard to work up the motivation to go, especially when you have other things to do.

Right now my leg muscles are sore as hell, I was climbing vertical ladders alot yesterday, then worked on a steep tall roof for a couple hours, walking up and down that thing sucked!
Originally posted by turbosam6
I've been slacking a lot lately, with all the crap going on in my life, but I went last week after about 2 or 3 weeks off. I figured I would have been weaker, but I did my previous workout and didn't feel like I was straining much. A couple of lifts were tougher than normal, but most seemed too easy. Weird. I curl 100 lbs. on the machine, and I really thought it was going to kill me, but when I did it, it seemed so easy I did 4 sets of 10 instead of my normal three. I wish I had a friend to go with to help keep me on track, but my friends are too lazy and cheap to join a gym. Sometimes its kinda hard to work up the motivation to go, especially when you have other things to do.

Right now my leg muscles are sore as hell, I was climbing vertical ladders alot yesterday, then worked on a steep tall roof for a couple hours, walking up and down that thing sucked!

Yeah getting motivated was my problem, but after thinking about it I knew I would feel better if I started to work out again...... I think a lot of people have trouble working out because of lack of time and/or having other things to do as you said..... If only there was more time in the day!

Sam, I give you credit for working on roofs cause I don't think I'd have the balls to get on a roof (with my luck I'd probably fall off the damn thing)!!!:eek:

Great job getting back to the gym, By the looks of your picture you were looking very close to Elvis in his later years. :eek: :D

I have just started again as well, up at 5.AM Gym for a hour and in the showers at the gym and off to work. Need to drop a few pounds and hit a cycle of Juice LOL:D

Anyway see what searching on the internet all day for good videos does to you.

:D :cool:
Originally posted by njturbo

Great job getting back to the gym, By the looks of your picture you were looking very close to Elvis in his later years. :eek: :D

I have just started again as well, up at 5.AM Gym for a hour and in the showers at the gym and off to work. Need to drop a few pounds and hit a cycle of Juice LOL:D

Anyway see what searching on the internet all day for good videos does to you.

:D :cool:

Damn Travis 5 AM?! You're one crazy mofo to get up that early (guess everybodies different but that's way too early for me)... hehe:D

Yeah spending time on the 'net probably doesn't help my weight, but oh well! I'll just have to work harder to do both:) :cool:
Originally posted by 86brick
Damn Travis 5 AM?! You're one crazy mofo to get up that early (guess everybodies different but that's way too early for me)... hehe:D

Yeah spending time on the 'net probably doesn't help my weight, but oh well! I'll just have to work harder to do both:) :cool:

Well kinda do not have a choice. Gotta be at work at 7.30-8.00am so if i work out for 1 hour and then wash my man hood which takes a while:D :D I am right on time;) work is 1 hour away!!

I think everyone has gained a few pounds since Mr.Gates came along in all our households. :eek: :cool:
Originally posted by 86brick
Sounds like you got a good workout plan...... I need to also do some cardio as well as some situps for my abs (need to lose this gut)..... Tomorrow I'll probably just work on my legs and give my upper body a few days to recoup as you said..... I know once I get through the first couple weeks of pain and soreness I'll be feeling much better:) :cool:

Yeah, it works for ME and I have stuck with it. My achiles heel is the gut as well. While not huge, I need to slim the waist down. Most of that is accomplished by lowering calories and cardio. I tend to hate cardio but do it anyway ;)

We have narrowed things down to around 4 different excersises for each day or body part. Ex. I did arms today. Did standing curls with the chambered bar with 35's on each side. 4 sets of 10. Then skull crushers with the same weight 4x10. The preacher bench with the same weight and finishing with tricep push downs using the cable rack with 175lbs. I may vary things a bit and add an excersise or two depending on my mood and motivation level :eek:

Rule of thumb for me is that if I can do 10 reps fairly easily I don't have enough weight. I make sure that by the 3rd set I'm failing before getting to 10 reps. 4th set I may get 7 reps. Heavy weight makes the difference for me. For instance, I do my shrugs for traps with 125lb dumb bells in each hand using wrist straps. Made HUGE gains in this area by doing weight that I cannot hold without straps. It was this excersise that taught me that heavy weight yeilds results.

Bottom line for me is that when I lift, I feel 100% better in the am and have mucho more energy throughout the day.

95 Talon TSi
it hurts now, but the pain is good, i almost miss not having that pain now that i'm back in shape. i took about a month off, no lifting, no running, no swimming, no nothing. i decided to start agin all at once and i hurt for probably 2 weeks, i worked through the pain. if you really want to make it hell on yourself work out like normal, then go for a hard 1/2 mile run, then an easy mile run. do it once and you'll swear you'll never do it again, but you'll be back :D
Travis, yeah guess you don't got much of a choice in the matter and I have to agree that Mr. billionaire (Gates) only wants to exercise are fingers! Damn that rich bastard!!!:mad: ;)

Mike, I am a firm believer in your rule of thumb (if I can do 10 reps fairly easily I don't have enough weight. I make sure that by the 3rd set I'm failing before getting to 10 reps.).... As soon as I feel like I'm somewhat in better lifting shape (when I'm not as sore after lifting) which is hopefully in a couple of weeks I will start to increase the weight to the point that I fail to hit 10 reps on my last set..... That is how I was told to lift when I was playing ball in school and had weight lifting class......

Denn454, I would run for cardio if I could but with my bad knee the doctor told me it's a better idea if I swim or ride a bicycle cause both of those have less pouding on the joint..... Running is just about the best cardio exercise though cause when I was playing B-ball seriously in and out of school I use to run at least 2 miles a day and at that time I was a good bit lighter!
Originally posted by 86brick

Denn454, I would run for cardio if I could but with my bad knee the doctor told me it's a better idea if I swim or ride a bicycle cause both of those have less pouding on the joint..... Running is just about the best cardio exercise though cause when I was playing B-ball seriously in and out of school I use to run at least 2 miles a day and at that time I was a good bit lighter!

Yeah, I can't run either. I'm diabetic and after 28 years or so the circulation in my lower legs is not what it used to be. My lower legs burn like hell when I run for any distance. I also have a less thanperfect (L) knee. I usually ride the stationary bike at the gym on a pretty advanced level for 20 minutes or so. All done AFTER lifting. For me, I find I do better if i cardio after lifting. By the time your lifting is over you've burned all your carbs so any cardio you do at that point is all fat burning. Same prinncipal applies with doing cardio in the early AM before eating.

Originally posted by OneQuikV6
Yeah, I can't run either. I'm diabetic and after 28 years or so the circulation in my lower legs is not what it used to be. My lower legs burn like hell when I run for any distance. I also have a less thanperfect (L) knee. I usually ride the stationary bike at the gym on a pretty advanced level for 20 minutes or so. All done AFTER lifting. For me, I find I do better if i cardio after lifting. By the time your lifting is over you've burned all your carbs so any cardio you do at that point is all fat burning. Same prinncipal applies with doing cardio in the early AM before eating.


Same here with the left knee......My left knee took a beating playing Basketball and Football for several years as well as squating until I finally injured it in a stupid game of 21 playing Bball (went up for a rebound and came down the wrong way which caused it to dislocate and sheer of 3 centimeters of bone)..... I will definitely do the cardio after lifting..... The only thing I do before I lift (upper body) is stretch a bit and do about 10-15 pushups just to get my muscles warmed up.....
Stretch first and it will eliminate 80% of the pain, especially in your chest. Put your hand up against something, and turn your body until you can feel your chest muscles stretching, hold it for 10 seconds, do the same on the other side.
Originally posted by 86brick
I haven't lifted weights in about 6 months and this week I decided to start lifting again..... I did some bench, curls, and a few other upper body exercises with the machine (it's not free weights, but it does a pretty good job) that we have with what I would consider lighter weight (on the bench I did 3 sets of 10 reps with 210lbs, with curls I did 1 set of 40lbs with 10 reps, 1 set of 50lbs with 10 reps, and 1 set of 60lbs with 10 reps) on Tuesday and yesterday..... I also did some tricep pull-downs, but I think I'm done for this week cause my muscles feel like they are going to pop:eek:

Anybody else out there been slackin' and started back??

I slacked on and off for 4 years, most of which was going for about 6 months at a time and then stopping, mostly due to distractions or vacations. It would totally throw me out of my groove. The first week back is always the worse for sure, I made the mistake of doing Bicep and Tricep the same day and chest the next, by the third day I could barely move. Just to extend my arm all the way without pain would take 15 seconds or so. I have been back at the gym now for about 8 months, and the first 5-6 months I was working out 7 days a week, until I listined to the advice of several board members who told me I was over working myself. I now workout 5 days a week, and with the added rest my muscles actually get sore a day or two later, which is nice because I never really felt my workouts were that good becuase I never got the day later pain. Strength has also gone up alot becuase of the rest. Not to jack the thread, but are there any powerlifters here with good deadlifting advice? Also a friend of mine is creating a fitness website/message board that could appeal to some of you? It is still in its 'beta testing' stage, check it out at www.FitnessExposed.com :)
I started back about 3 weeks ago. Instead of weights this time I thought I would do the rowing machine for a while to tone and excersise the entire body. It works really good too. I only do about 20min a day (or whenever I can) but when I try to get off the machine I can hardley walk from lack of muscle control..lol.. I'll start the weights when it gets colder outside but I agree it feels really good to get back into the exercising and staying fit.:p
Good for you.I also slacked due to knee surgery.
I love the pain the first couple of weeks after start up.The funniest is trying to put the socks on after heavy leg days.LOL
The funniest thing I see with myself is trying to stretch the chest muscles the day or 2 after doing chest real hard. Jeez I feel like I'm gonna die!! :eek:
