Interesting link to recent Chernobyl pics

Originally posted by wiked87gn
I wanna take my TR down that road with the open dump and that woman on the passenger seat, all i can say is ,if i could find a woman with that kind of free spirit for adventure and good looking as her i marry her in a new york second. :)
Finally you said what EVERYONE was thinking........

Oh yeah she is cool,,let me hear that one more time

Hit that..........:)
Originally posted by lburou
By choice, Chernobil did not have the safety systems we designed into our nuclear power generation sites. That is the difference.

Chernobyl did have a very different core design, but the reason for the huge disaster was do to operator negligence. It should not have happened. Their training was not up to par.
Originally posted by wiked87gn
I wanna take my TR down that road with the open dump and that woman on the passenger seat, all i can say is ,if i could find a woman with that kind of free spirit for adventure and good looking as her i marry her in a new york second. :)

That's what I was thinking, oops, just remembered, I AM married already.:rolleyes: Just something about her. Nothing like a hot babe that rides a fast bike and isn't afraid of adventure.

Some pretty spooky pics.
Originally posted by Taffy
Whoever wrote the info in most of those links did not have a lot of facts straight. There was a lot of "I think" in a lot of those articles. A lot of the terms were used incorrectly also. Oh well....

That may be true, but the photos were sobering. I felt like I was there. Very cool site. Tragic story.
What is crazy is her site has had over 200,000 hits in just over 24 hours, the ticker had just over 320,000 when i first looked at the time this thread was posted. Would like to see more woman like her around!:cool:

I love what she said here:D

The most exciting thing about rides in Ghosttown is to hit a red line on my bike's tacho and break this silence with roar of a wounded dinosaur and then to close throttle and listen how all those ghosts cursing 1100cc kawasaki engin
Re: Almost forgot to say it....

Originally posted by lburou
That woman with the motorcycle has Brass Cahonas :)

If she keeps going back there, the radiation may cause her to grow some brass cahonas!!:D
more info on Chernobyl:

The accident at Chernobyl Unit 4, on 26 April 1986, did not occur during normal operation of the reactor. It happened during a test designed to assess the reactor's safety margin in a particular set of circumstances. The test, which had to be performed at less than full reactor power, was scheduled to coincide with a routine shut-down of the reactor.

The test
Nuclear power stations not only produce electricity, they also consume electricity, for example to power the pumps that circulate the coolant. This electricity is usually supplied from the grid. If the source of electricity should fail, most reactors are able to derive the required electricity from their own production. However, if the reactor is operating but not producing power, for example when in the process of shutting down, some other source of supply is required. Generators are generally used to supply the required power, but there is a time delay while they are started.

The test carried out at Chernobyl-4 was designed to demonstrate that a coasting turbine would provide sufficient power to pump coolant through the reactor core while waiting for electricity from the diesel generators. The circulation of coolant was expected to be sufficient to give the reactor an adequate safety margin.

Unit #4 of the Chornobyl nuclear complex, located at Pripyat, Ukraine, exploded in the early morning of 26 April 1986 at approximately 01:24:00 hrs Kyiv time. The explosion and the following graphite fire spewed some 185 million curies of deadly radioactive debris onto the city of Pripyat and the surrounding area. The present-day republics of Belarus, Ukraine and the Russian Federation were particularly severely contaminated by the radioactive dust spread by the air currents throughout eastern, northern and central Europe, and, indeed, around the world. Next to the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the 6 and 9 August 1945, it remains (hopefully forever) the world's worst nuclear tragedy. Its consequences, which have already been enormous, shall remain with the planet earth for the next 250,000 years.
I was talking to my friend who is active on other Car forums and he started telling em about that website and I told him its on the Buick website too.