intermediate survo


intercooled engines rule!
Jul 21, 2002
i have the gm tool j-29714 and it dont line up with the servo because there is no pan hole near the servo it is off to one side. how do i compress the springs to put the retaining ring on?
Do you have a picture of the tool? I made one out of an adjustable bar clamp. I don't know if your able to fabricate anything. I would guess the best thing to do is get the correct tool for the trans.
I made mine like the TH350 2nd accumulator cover compressor. Flat stock about 18" long with the little tang that catches on the edge of the pan and compress the piston cover that way. Cost me $2 in metal and a few minutes to bend and couple seconds of welding.
J-29714 Servo Tool

J-29714 Servo Tool. This is the correct tool. Mounts to bottom of pan inside lip.


  • J-29714.jpg
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thats what i have

that tool works just fine but the GM tool only works if the pan is in place-------the ridge of the pan secures it from turning-------is the pan in place------to use it without a pan i cut a small section out of an old pan and place it on the rail with an extra pan bolt
servo cover tool

I use a Bessey Tradesman 4" x 16" bar clamp. Works great and was
under $25.00.